Isaak is already a month old. I can't believe it. I'm grateful that we've made it through. I decided I should post some of my favorite Isaak faces. He can be pretty expressive. He's a funny one. I get excited for him to get older so I can see how he is going to be. This is Isaak's burping face. He has plenty of burping time every day. The infamous tummy-time. He gets to lay on his tummy every day for a little bit and practice picking up his head and he always makes the funniest faces as he's working on it. In the car seat--I took this picture after we got back home from running around. He often holds on to the shoulder straps, but he looks so cute when he's sleeping. He doesn't look like that when we put him in the car seat-we actually get some mad screaming!!!!! The wonky eye look. He was learning how to focus his eyes and I just happened to catch it just at the right time. The Yawner-which we have recently learned means that we need to put him down a...
Moments are the Molecules that make up Eternity.