I'm in love with Summer ! I love being in the sun. I love hiking in the mountains and smelling the trees and feeling the soft dirt on the ground. I love getting all sticky and sweaty and walking into a cold house. I love leaving the windows open at night so a slight breeze can sneak in and keep my house cold. I love swimming and even more so I love to watch Isaak try and swim. We went swimming a couple times this week and most recently we went to a pool with a 2feet deep area and Isaak loved it. He refused any help and wanted to wade around. He went as far as picking up the rope in the pool and walking right underneath it. He was thinking that he could walk the entire pool I suppose. I wish I would have brought the camera, but sometimes I get lazy and kind of sick of worrying if it will get wet and even having to try and capture moments instead of simply enjoying them sometimes. I posted a couple pictures of our recent adventures where I actually took pictures. In Random order sinc...
Moments are the Molecules that make up Eternity.