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So yesterday we decided to go rollerblading. I know it’s a little out of style, but it is great fun. The first thing that I need to mention is that I have a great pair of rollerblades. They are speedy-I barely have to move. The second is that I’m not great at stopping. I can do it, but it’s hard to stop quickly. So the story-There is this trail by our house that is hilly and curvy. We start going uphill and we are going against the wind so it’s pretty hard. We were a huffin’ and puffin’ and sweatin‘--Cory more than me since he‘s actually pushing the stroller. I start to get a little nervous when Cory points out that we will be going downhill and the wind will push us. Hmmmm-I’m thinking to myself that means we’ll practically be flying. I tell myself it’s okay because I’ve gotten much better at stopping. I even reached the top of the trail before Cory and was telling my friend Tina that I had better get off the phone unless I wanted to end up getting plastic surgery from face planting. I again thought I was being a little dramatic because I’m practically a problader by now.

We start the downward climb-I’m able to slow down and I’m thinking--oh yeah I’ve got this in the bag. We pass the worse part--I made it-I did it. I start to feel proud of myself. Then the wind starts blowing harder and a part of the trail that isn’t that steep starts to seem super duper steep. I start picking up speed and I’m having a hard time slowing down. I yell to Cory--hey you! I’m going too fast--I can’t slow down. He looks back and says you’re fine. I get going faster--I again say, “Cory-seriously-I’m going way too fast I can’t slow down.” He says just use the speed to get up the next small hill. Those are the last words I hear as I realize that I’m about to slam into Cory--so I pass him on the right side just as we hit a big curve. YIKES!!!! The next thing I know is that I’m airborne. I had some how lost my footing. Cory explained later that I looked like I decided to take a seat in a lazy boy suspended in midair. I came to a crashing stop. I fell off the trail using my bottom as my landing gear and scraping my hands all along the ground. The trail is surrounded by natural landscaping-including dirt, rocks and lots of weeds. During the fall somehow I finished my landing in a weedy bush on my stomach. I pulled up my knees and started crawling out--I thought--phew I haven’t broken anything and I’m alive-double bonus. Then I realize that it really hurt--ouch. Cory runs over and starts pulling me out of the bush. I just kept saying--ow. Ow. Ow. Ow--in a whiny sort of way. I looked down at my hands and thought-oh crap. I had dragged them along the dirt, so they were all scrapped up, muddy and rocks were stuck all over under my skin on my palm. I thought back to my Wilderness First Responder course when they said, “Road burn and scrapes are the most painful to clean out.” I’m already dreading going home to clean it out. I finished blading back to the car and then I walked down to the stream and washed my hands, so they wouldn’t dry up before we got home. The lasting damage is an awesome painful bruise on my bottom, torn shorts(of course my favorite pair), scrapped up palms, bruised fingertips, and a couple of rocks we couldn’t get out. OW!


jaredandgina said…
Oh Sadie, that is so sad!! I am glad you didn't get seriously hurt. My advice to you for your next hill, just use your brakes the entire time.
We used to go down the hill by my parents house it was so scary, even braking the whole time because you still get going pretty fast1
Valarie said…
OUCH! you should have used your air cushion for your bottom. They also make these things called knee pads etc. j/k. :) Too bad Isaak wasn't a little older so he could have laughed at you - that's what my kids would have done.
DottieLou said…
i am so sorry ... but I am laughing so hard... I wish I could have seen this... he he ha ha ... oh my stars... but I do love you ... glad your ok ... he he he he he har har ... tears rolling down my cheeks.. ha ha ha
Heather said…
Sadie we are just going to have to keep you away from rollerblades and stairs. Ha Ha. I really was laughing when I read this becuase it sounds so much like something that would happen to me. At least I am not the only one. It makes me feel better.
Oh that sounds very painful. I am glad nothing more happened. I thought I taught you how to brake. LOL
Jenn said…
Getting dirt and rocks stuck in your flesh is the worst! On the bright side, at least you didn't crash with Isaak!
aisy said…
and we don't get pictures? sorry though, that sucks. i took a bad spill on blades several years back when a snake crossed my path. oh the road rash!!!
Heather said…
Hey guys,
I know Cory hardly ever checks his e-mail and I wanted to tell you guys THANKYOU for your offer to help us this weekend. Sorry about leaving you kind of hanging when we didn't know what was going to happen(it was probably frustrating for you). Anyhow we really appreciate your being willing to help. If there is ever anything we can do for you let us know.
Lots of Love
Sadie you and Gina should try to bring roller blading back. That sucks.

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