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Books, Books, Books

Have you ever been reading a book that you can't put down, but want to put it down so it doesn't end? As you creep closer and closer to the end of the book your mind is screaming--put it down! PUT IT DOWN! Save some for tomorrow! I have no will power I just can't stop. I finished an excellent book today. It was called The Septembers of Shiraz by Dalia Sofer. The book was fantastic and the writing was incredible. Her characters-wow-I'm just amazed with the book and sad because this is her first novel, so I can't track down her others and read them. I'm in a book drought. I need some help. I need books to read. I've been downing them faster than I can find new ones. I have been finding books off of readers choice, book covers--I recently found one by Lisa See called Snowflower and the Secret fan and two of her other books that were brilliant. So I ask for your help--give me suggestions--give me your favorites-or other people's favorites, or even books that aren't your favorite, but are at least interesting. I've gotten several off the readers choice, but sometimes I have to force myself to read them and I got to thinkingthat it really isn't leisure if you have to force yourself to read them. What fun is that?

On a less desperate note--we had an awesome weekend. I love holidays. We tried to fit in everything, but rockclimbing is out in the distant neverland. What do you think about belaying and holding a baby at the same time? haha! We need to convince some people to some with us. We started a new fourth of july tradition-muffins! We had some blueberries and strawberries that needed to be eaten, so we made these amazing muffins. I want to make more just thinking about them. HMMMM--even the bottoms were good. So here are some pictures of our weekend in not particular order.

Isaak staring at the fireworks. He would even cry when they finished and then stop when they started back up again. He was mesmerized.
We rolled down this hill as we awaited fireworks. I had to roll really slow and only made if half way down the hill before all my food wanted to come back up.

A really happy family--full of food. We had two barbeques-one with Cory's parents and one with mine. I love barbeques--potato salad, watermelon, smores, ice cream, steak....... We bought cherries at a local farm and we ate them-yummy, yummy, delicious.

Isaak went slacklining for his first time. He was pretty good at it-though I have a lot of work to do to get reacquainted with my balance--Can I blame that on having been pregnant?

A picture of our delicious muffins. We decided to make them a tradition and made them every fourth of July.

We went walking every morning. It was really fun to have Cory walk with me instead of going solo!


jaredandgina said…
Isaak is getting so big, I love his smiling face! Kailie loved the fireworks too, just mesmerized, so funny!!
I will hold Isaak for you in August when I come so you can rock climb.
I have been dying to read some books lately so thanks for the suggestions. One book I read awhile ago was tending roses, i think by lisa wingate, it was good totally a book you would enjoy. My mother-in-law said that all of her books were good. See you soon!
Love you guys
DottieLou said…
i would be happy to watch I while you climb rocks
Unknown said…
Fun weekend! I love that picture of Isaak in the hat! If you guys want, we'll go rock climbing with ya'll and then you can climb and I will hang out with Isaak.
Unknown said…
I also love to read, but I just don't know where to start as far as what to read... really. Can you recommend some really good books for me?

As for rock climbing, we will go with you guys and take turns climbing and entertaining lil Isaak. Just name the day!
Valarie said…
Aunt Val will always watch Isaak - just name the time and place.
Penny said…
Cute pics. I love reading John Grisham books; I have read all of them and loved them all.

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