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a few of my favorite things.....

I have to share a couple of things that I've been enjoying, loving, watching, reading.....First the movie. We rented My Sassy Girl--loved it. It's not at the Redbox, so you'll have to splurge and go to Blockbuster or Hollywood, but it's totally worth it. Second the book, I just finished reading A Guide to the Birds of East Africa by Nicholas Drayson. It was quirky and fun-a perfect match for the movie mentioned above. I laughed out loud several times during the book and even had to read parts to Cory because I was giggling so much. He even giggled with me. hahahehe. Third summer nights--take advantage of these gloriously warm evenings. It's the perfect temperature to stroll, sit in the grass, look at the stars, which brings me to summer mornings-the breeze coming in the window, cool sheets, walking, listening to the birds, sprinklers, smellings the trees and grass--ahhh then the infamous hot afternoons perfect for swimming, lazying around and sitting under the swamp cooler. All of you with central air are totally missing out. I LOVE SUMMER! I love to be hot and sweaty, sticky from juicy melons, blue tongued from licking popsicles--craving ice cream and watching it melt off the cone....ahhh summer--I wish it could last forever....I need to move to Hawaii and vacation somewhere to board and snowshoe.


You can move to AZ and have it all the time :)
We will get to enjoy it together in a few weeks!!
Tina said…
I want to go enjoy the summer with you and Isaak! Lets get together this week... I am available Wednesday-Friday during the day. Maybe swimming? or we could go for a stroll. We miss you!
Unknown said…
I would totally have to agree with you. I think that I am partial to the warmer weather, but would love to vacation to cooler places to get in the winter activities.

Perhaps I will read that book - What is it about?
Cory&SadieK said…
the book is about the birds in East Africa-kind of and about an older man and a bet. I know it sounds boring, but it's written so well and the story is great--plus you fall in love with the older man. It's a great book--you should read it. I'm even going to buy it.

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