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We did it!!!!

Two incredibly happy people that love camping!!! We went-we conquered-we prevailed!!! Isaak slept through the night. He stayed nice and warm. Camping anyone????


Heather said…
So exciting!! Now we can all go together!
Jenn said…
Isaak looks SO excited!
DottieLou said…
I dont know who I like best you or Isaak.... just kidding ... love the hair
Cory&SadieK said…
I know-when my hair falls out of my ponytail like that Cory calls it my Mel Gibson Die hard ponytail.
Unknown said…
He looks like Cory in that picture. I'm sad that we didn't go camping with you guys... Paul didn't talk to me about it until Saturday (??) Silly men. Maybe we can go another time with ya'll.
mikele knutsen said…
awsome!!!! you both look way cute in your picture.
That is amazing that he survived camping. I am so happy for you two! Now you can go camping more often.

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