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Little "I" takes his first daring steps into the unknown...okay we didn't really have the camera ready for his first steps, but he took them on Cory's Birthday. Cory was so excited that Isaak actually gave him a Birthday Present--ahhh, I'm sure your heart is melting.

We've had some big changes in January. Mainly Cory's work schedule. It's all crazy, but we are adjusting. We've gone snowshoeing about five times already this year. Isaak gets so bundled up that it reminds me of The Christmas Story when the little boys cries because he can't put his arms down.

Isaak got swimming lessons for Christmas. I laugh hysterically during the lessons. Isaak isn't a cuddly baby, but in the pool he wraps his little arms around my neck and DOESN'T let go!!! He is warming up to the idea though and was less scared this week compared to last week. But I must admit that I love the cuddling. We also bought him some reusable swim diapers. He looks like he's wearing a little speedo and its sooo cute. I know it's crazy to use speedo and cute in the same sentence, but it's true. Isaak definitely has something on the guy that Cory and I saw on our honeymoon in Cancun. He wore a speedo along with his two awesome nipple rings and a belly ring.....Cute isn't crossing your mind is it??? If it is I think that I forgot to mention that he was about 55 years old-orange from tanning and hitting on the spring breakers....

I didn't mention this before, but we had a blast for New Years and made some new traditions. We had all healthy foods to munch on--Jimaca, carrots, clementines, peppers, tortilla chips, salsa, bananas, apples, yogurt for dipping...the food was delicious. I paid two dollars for one of those cheesy New Years Eve Hats thinking that it was totally worth it to see Isaak wearing it. I was sorely disappointed because Isaak hated it, so I got a ton of pictures of him throwing it around. Our new tradition is to go Snowshoeing on New Years Day then to lounge around and watch movies the rest of the day. We watched Star Trek this year, which I loved. And Julie and Julia, which I also loved. A movie I recently watched and definitely did not love was Brothers Bloom.

Lil "I" all bundled up when we went sledding with Cory's Sister which was SUPER fun.
For those that know Isaak doesn't fall asleep anywhere, but he was so tired after all that sledding that while I was pulling his around on the sled he fell right to sleep. He stayed sleeping like this for about two hours. Cute.


Heather said…
Way cute pictures! He is such a fun little guy!
jaredandgina said…
Cute Sadie! What a great tradition to eat healthy on new years eve. We had a fondue party so there was some healthy mixed in with a lot of not so healthy but it was delicious. yeah for walking but now your life will be chasing him everywhere. kai is cuddly when swimming as well, I love it!!

I just posted a video I made for my cousin Steph. I thought you would like to see it since you knew her!

Hope you guys are well!
I can't believe he is walking now! That is crazy! Congrats. You always do the funnest outdoorsy things with Issac. When I have a baby, I am totally going to be hanging out with you.
Unknown said…
Wow, you've been snowshoeing 5 times already? I love that Isaak is getting involved in your guys' hobbies and that he is trying swimming. I can tell he is definitely going to be an adventurous one... well he would have to be since he came from yours and Cory's DNA!
It was really good to see you guys on Cory's birthday.
Oh, I liked The Brothers Bloom. What didn't you like about it?
Unknown said…
Oh, YEAH and I almost forgot to mention that Isaak walking is so exciting. I can't help but be excited for you guys when he toddles on over to the camera. He is getting so big!
Tina said…
I love the picture of him asleep in the sled. When something like that never happens it makes it that much more precious.

Isaak is one smart kid to give his daddy such a wonderful gift on his birthday. He is one smart cookie!

Can I just say, I love your little boy. What a cutie!

Oh and when I get to Utah you better let me do the honor of babysitting him. :)

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