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I know it seems as if I have disappeared

It may look like he is placing an Easter egg in his basket, but don't let him fool you. He's actually taking one out. He thinks that they are little balls instead of eggs, so he just wanted to toss them.
Isaak in action===picking up an Easter Egg. He threw this one in the water that you can see in the upper part of the picture.

Where to even begin? This last week kind was kind of the stinkies. Okay it was absolutely stinky. Phew. I wonder do I even want to blog about it? Maybe I don't. But I can tell you that Isaak got sick again. So his earaches came back and we had some awesome screaming adventures in the car. I don't know if you have ever had an inner earache, but any time the pressure changes it really hurts. Cory had an inner earache when we were in Hawaii almost a couple of years ago and even if we drove over a small bump he cried out in pain, so I imagine that poor little Isaak is miserable. We've tried Chiropractors, homeopathic ideas, and still he has earaches. We have come to our last resort. THE TUBES!!! I've been trying to avoid them. I've been running from them, but at this point they seem inevitable. We went to an ENT and he said that Isaak could barely hear. He said for him it was like wearing foam ear plugs all the time, which is why he isn't talking much. So he needs to get tubes so he can hear me telling him no better. I feel like I tell him no at least two times every five minutes. Either he's trying to put something in the toilet, in his mouth or in an outlet. He has recently discovered that he has a nostril. He likes to stick his finger in that there hole. He has also learned how to take off his diaper===which also leads to me saying No Isaak no no no!

On Saturday I decided that I wanted to lock my wallet in my glove box....well my glove box didn't want to lock so instead I twisted my key into two lovely little spiral pieces. We were about 45 minutes from home. We had to figure out a way to get into our house and get a spare. We did it, but it sure was a pain. Maybe if I didn't have such superhero strength that key wouldn't have broken. I have been working out. In any case this last week was stinky. I'm not even going to go into all the details. I'm sick now too. I caught Isaak's cold and either I sound like a squeaky toy or a man. My voice is all crazy. I was going to post of video, but I've tried twice and it's just not downloading maybe some other time. I'm sad it won't work because it was one of those moments that just make the sun seem brighter.


DottieLou said…
hang in there .. the stinky week is over.. but now we have the rest of our lives
Heather said…
It will get better!
Penny said…
Hopefully things are better now! My older sister had tubes when she was a baby and she survived!! I hope it helps the problem.

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