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Isaak eating his dirt at his watering hole.

Boring? Maybe a little bit. But it's a post. I've been trying to be more diligent so it's worth your time and effort to type in your username and password. Plus it's colder outside, so I'm inside more and I don't have to water the tomatoes and flowers. It frees up tons of time. I just wanted you to know I had an awesome weekend. I went on a meditation retreat. It sounds relaxing right? Well it's surely deceiving because I was exhausted after about five hours of meditating. Did I mention that I was in silence for about 21hours? I did make a couple of mistakes, but overall I kind of liked being quiet for 21 hours, but I was sure ready to talk. If you are starting to think Woa--you're right I'm totally becoming a hippie. But it's awesome because the experience was amazing. I learned two important things-well maybe three. 1. Silence is kind of awesome. You learn the value of your speech and what an impact it can have. I learned that I want to listen more and talk less. 2. I learned that my mind is a powerful thing. My mind thinks that it's racing all the time. I feel like it's racing now. I learned how to try to control my thoughts better and to stay focused which leads me to my third point 3. I learned about how good it feels to live in the moment. Not to worry about destination or where I'm going or what I'm going to do or how I'm going to pass my time, but to simply let it unfold. I'm not saying that I'm going to sit around and wait for life to come and take me by the hand. I'm saying that I want to enjoy being where I am when I'm there. If I'm bathing Isaak or playing outside I want to be with him-not thinking about how I can get the laundry done and the dishes before he goes to bed. I am choosing more joy. I'm choosing a simpler way of being. My meditation stuff has already helped me to be less reactive and more contemplative. It feels good. So anyway. I posted some of the recent pages I've done while trying to catch up with all our summer fun. It seems impossible, but I'm just going to take one picture at a time and not worry about the others. See--I told you it's working!


DottieLou said…
ahhhh... i will expect to see those pages in the fair next year missy
KC and Ashlee said…
Sadie I love the pictures of you guys on the clue night. They are soooooo cute! We need to hang out, geeze you guys live so far away ;)
Valarie said…
sexy shoes - I love them.

Your dishes will get done and so will the laundry - unfortunately our babies grow up way to fast. Enjoy every moment with him. Soon your baby will graduate (8 months...eek)from high school.
Tina said…
I'm reading this from my phone so its hard to comment but... That was awesome! I loved hearing about the retreat and ask the things you learned. You are such an inspiration to me. Somehow we need to live closer to each other.

Ps I couldn't read your scrapbook pages from my phone but your pencil skirt photo is smoking! You look amazing.
Unknown said…
I love the pictures and the fact that you just let Isaak eat dirt... you guys are the coolest parents ;)
The meditation retreat sounds interesting. I don't think I would have lasted. I'm a talker as well. That's cool that you learned all those things about yourself, though.
Oh, and you look HOT in your costume!
you did such a great job on these pages. It was fun to see the pictures from our clue night and great pumpkin affair. you are so talented. You are going to have to teach me how to digital scrapbook.

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