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Bun and Wifey

Us aka the LOVE birds

Cory and I went on a little husband/wife trip in December. We kind of had a blast and we kind of missed Isaak. One time when I definitely didn't miss him was being able to walk into the lodge and not worry about him pulling the huge glass ornaments off the tree while we tried to play checkers. Cory let me win--It was actually my first time playing. Cory pointed out that I could take the game with a super play--taking out a few pieces with one move. My power play. The only other time I didn't miss him(Isaak) was while we were snowshoeing. We went on a super long hike just because we could. Our legs were so tired the next day. We also spent some time preparing for the olympics. I decided to try out for the bobsledding team and Cory recently has gotten into downhill skiing. We took a couple of pictures.Cory took a nasty fall. Poor guy. He must have hit his head pretty hard because he suggested we
rent Eclipse from the Redbox to watch that night. When it wasn't in the first redbox we went to- he suggested we try another one. I'm glad it was there because I fear he would have looked for another one. Don't worry I checked him for a concussion and he was safe.

Go Team USA! Unfortunately I accidentally left my little spandex outfit and helmet at home.Our snow angels on our long snow shoe hike.


Unknown said…
Love the picture of Cory. What a nut! Glad you guys got some time away even though you couldn't go to Strasbourg this year. :)

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