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I caught Isaak's cold. Isaak has to have surgery in a couple of weeks. His Eustachian tubes aren't functioning properly and he still needs tubes. Too bad his first set fell out already. So in any case while he had his cold it was miserable. He wasn't sleeping at night because he was coughing, but on top of that his ears are full of pressure because of some vacuuming that is going on and he finally got an ear infection. He had puss coming out his ear. Gross and kind of neat in a way--at least it wasn't over pressurized in the left side. He seems to be doing better though his cough is hanging on and believe me that cough hangs on. I don't really start coughing until about 8pm and then I want to say, "Who let the dogs out?" because it becomes a coughing frenzy between Cory, Isaak and I. So anyway back to my story.

I have felt overwhelmed and incredibly tired at times. Yesterday I decided to make a zucchini cake for St Patrick's day with Zucchini being green and all. I thought Isaak would love to help when he woke up from his nap and he did. He loved helping. I'm not sure I felt like it was helping. We have our sugar in a huge bucket with a screw top lid. I ran to the bathroom and when I came back Isaak had unscrewed the sugar bucket and dumped about 4 cups of sugar on the floor. He was squatting in his loot. when he saw me he smiled and said, "Mommy Eat Sugar Yummy." He was sticking his binky in the sugar then sucking it off. I laughed and then asked him to please not put sugar on the floor anymore. He said, Okay, but I'm not sure if he really understood or not. Then we went over to the kitchenaide to do the wet ingredients. Isaak really wanted to put the sour milk in, but we weren't ready. We finally got there and he was so zealous that about half of the sour milk made it into the bowl, but the rest spilled all over the counter, the cupboards, his stool and the floor. Awesome I guess I'll just sweep, then mop and then polish the cupboards. I was hoping to do some deep cleaning while I was exhausted and sick. I got a washrag and started cleaning it up and Isaak was helping me clean up and he said, "Mommy cooking messy." I said apparently it is. That made me laugh. I know there's a reason to have him around. After that we started mixing the dry ingredients. Isaak helped me add all the ingredients and then when I turned to get the kitchenaide he dumped in even more cinnamon. Sure no problem--Cinnamon is good for you right? Then he wanted to help stir, which wasn't terrible except huge chunks of flour kept finding their way over the sides of the bowl. Again Isaak reminded me that, "cooking messy!" After we got finished mixing the wet and dry ingredients he was done and went off to empty an entire drawer of papers and scatter crayons all over the dining room in the few minutes it took me to grease the pan and get the cake in the oven.

It was fun making cake and I'm glad we did it, but really? It was exhausting. It's a good thing the cake was chocolate and delicious because I sure ate three pieces when it was done cooking!!!!


Tina said…
I am sorry you have been sick! That is not fun!!! Mothers REALLY should have sick days!!! Some of my friends say that is what Grandmas are for, but not all of us are that lucky. lol. I have been thinking about Isaaks upcoming surgery. What day is it on? From the last time we talked about the countdown it has me thinking it is around 14 days from now? I hope that surgery will be the end to all of his ear infections and illnesses! Or at least cut his illnesses in half or 75% I miss you and wish I lived closer. I could help you clean up that mess while you rested!!!!
Tina said…
P.S. I love all the things Isaak said during your cooking adventure together!!
Unknown said…
Poor guy! That sounds terrible. Hope you guys all feel better soon! :)

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