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Random tidbits of things I have come to love

The number one favorite on my list


You might ask why cornstarch is number one. Isaak was put on steroids just over a week ago and boy did they not agree with his system. He got the worse diaper rash that I've ever seen. He had little open sores. He screamed loud enough that the neighbors a few houses away could hear him. We had been using a couple different diaper ointments, but he said that he hurt when we put them on. Cory's sister suggested cornstarch and guess what--it works like a charm. It worked faster than the diaper gunk(I have now started calling it gunk because I don't like it!) plus, plus--it didn't hurt to put on.

Your second question might be--why in the world did you put Isaak on steroids and to this I say--I just wanted him to bulk up a bit. He's a little scrawny. I'm kidding. He's been sick a lot and after we got the chest xray and some treatments our little Isaak was diagnosed with asthma. I struggled with this for several days. I was feeling angry that his health wasn't perfectly normal. I was frustrated. I was even a little paranoid that he was going to have an asthma attack at any second. Well I've had a week to think and think and now I'm okay. Isaak has asthma. He's still that stubborn little boy that rarely gives in. He's still that same cute boy that asks me to cuddle him. He continually is begging me to read book after book after book. He's still Isaak and is perfect for him in every single way. God made him and I'm okay with that. We have made some changes in our home. We bought an expensive allergy asthma vacuum that should be arriving today. I just can't wait until I can vacuum our house--at least with the special attachments I don't have to move the furniture every week. We our going through and reorganizing everything to avoid dust, pollen and allergens in the house. It's a tedious job, especially since I'm a terrible organizer. Our last weird purchase was a diffuser from doterra with some oils that help cleanse the air. If I sound like I'm talking crazy maybe I am, but just imagine how fresh and clean it smells outside! I'm trying to clean up inside our house and I love the smell of the oils.

2. Pandora's Toddler station

We just recently found this and by we I mean Cory. Isaak loves it. he dances all around the house and will sit on the couch and just listen to the music. I actually quite like the station and some of the songs will surprise you. You just might get your dance on!

3. Costco, Good Earth and Sunflower Market

I know that costco has got to make tons of peoples list. the first reason is that Isaak is so good in costco because he loves to eat the samples. We can't pass one without picking up the little taste cups. He may or may not have eaten his lunch in samples today. the second reason I love costco is because they have started carrying tons of organic food and most of them are at awesome prices. It makes me excited. I'm in love with Both of the other stores because if you watch close organic produce can be the same price as regular produce. Awesome. Maybe even double awesome.

4. Our little tykes lawnmower

Isaak got this for Easter and he loves, loves, loves it. So does every other kid that comes to our house. We went on a walk on Sunday and Isaak pushed that mower for 1.5 hours all around. It was so fun to just go on a nice long walk again. Some of you may have that privilege with your child sitting in the stroller, but Isaak won't stay in the stroller for longer than 20 minutes before he sees something he wants to look a little closer at. And a nice leisurely walk for me usually doesn't include a toddler screaming to get out of the stroller.

5. Usbourne books. I just bought some of their books out of a series entitled cautionary tales including Give that Back, Jack and Don't be a bully, Billy. Isaak loves them. We may read them at least three times a day each. Plus they have awesome vocabulary in them and they are silly funny.

6. Greek God's Greek Yogurt with honey

I have to give some credit to Cory's Mom because she introduced it to us. The good news is that both Cory and Isaak love it and it has five active bacterias in it. Wow. We go through a container every three days. The cheapest place I've found to buy it is Associated Food Stores for 3.69-has anyone seen it cheaper? It also makes an awesome dip for fruits and is delicious with granola. Sheesh I just eat it as a dessert.

So that's my long list of new favorites. Do you have any new favorites that have made your life easier? or has kept your children highly entertained or happy or even slightly fascinate? I can use all the help I can get!!! I have one more I love and their meal planners. I don't use all of them, but they have some great ones.


Unknown said…
I enjoyed reading your favorites. It gives me some ideas that we might be interested in.
Recently I've been obsessed with Greek yogurt, but I've been reluctant to try the honey flavor.. it sounds kind of weird. Now I think I will do it. :)
I also had NO IDEA that pandora had a toddler station. That's awesome!
Poor, poor little Isaak. I'm glad you guys found something to help his little tush.
DottieLou said…
almonds... they are my new favorite thing.. I probably eat to many..and now I am out

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