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I am a MOM

Wow! What a week and it's only Wednesday. I worked about 21 hours between Monday and Tuesday. I'm amazed at woman that work full time--it must be so hard. I feel like the house is this living breathing entity that constantly needs something done. And if the house doesn't need something done, then I surely need to make dinner or work on some project that I started. The weirdest part about working so much was not seeing Isaak. He was in excellent hands with his Grandma and Grandpa and I know he had tons of fun, but I barely saw him.

Some days as a Mom can be monotonous and some days Isaak can about make me crazy! Some days I don't feel like fixing dinner and some days I'm just a little bored, but most days are pretty great. I get to spend time with Isaak reading, hiking, swimming, swinging, or just running around the yard. I get to watch him and help him with his behavior. I get to help him take naps and then I get the bonus of having down time!!! I love my afternoons while he naps, even if sometimes I only fold laundry and watch hulu. I like having my own schedule and making decisions about what to do with my day. I will just need to remember this during winter time because I'm not crazy about being cooped up inside all the time. Maybe we need to live in Hawaii for half of the year and Utah for the other half. I love the beach. I can see Isaak running around with his bleach blond curls and tan as can be on the beach. Now if we can just find a job flexible enough for Cory.

This week has also helped me realize that I've made the transition to mommydom. I had such a hard time switching over to full time Mom. It was so difficult for me, but now I actually missed being home. I missed making dinner. I missed making hot breakfasts. I missed reading books to Isaak. I missed living life at a slower pace. It took me awhile to get used to not running all of the time and it feels awesome. I like being a Mom and I feel a sense of purpose. My job is important. I've never grown more as a person--ever. I like what is happening in my life. So--Isaak thanks for letting me be your Mom. I know your stubborn, spirited and wild!! But I love every little bit of it. The best is when you say, "I want my mama." No words can make me melt faster.


DottieLou said…
making good choices has truly blessed your life. I am proud of you. DY
Amen to everything you said. Being a mom is the greatest! I don't miss the fast pace of the working life at all either.
Penny said…
I love this post. You are a great mom. Congrats on being pregnant! I just read your earlier post. That is so exciting. Maybe you will have a Halloween baby like Izzy!

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