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It's slipping

Not only have I lost my waistline, but my mind is slipping too. I thought people always used pregnancy as the worst excuse ever, but I'm starting to think there may be something to the whole idea. Maybe my body is working so hard on keeping the baby happy that it forgets other things. I've forgotten so many things lately that I never have before. I teach two NIA classes on Mondays. There is only a half an hour inbetween the classes so I have to hustle to make it from one to the other. I get to my second class and I left my Ipod at the first class. I don't have any time to go back for it. I didn't have any CD's in my car besides children's favorite singalong songs. That wouldn't work, so instead I borrowed some CD's from the ladies in my class and some from the center. I made up an entire routine. Thank goodness they had some Dean Martin so I was at least familiar with the music some of the other tracks were crazy because I wasn't sure what the music was going to be like, but all in all it turned out to be a pretty good experience even if it kept me on my toes.

The other day I accidentally made a low-fat pumpkin pie. I forgot to put in the sugar. It called for it on the recipe--first ingredient, but somehow I just skipped it. Cory called the pie vegetabley like. He said that at least you can feel really good about eating it because it's full of pumpkin. I guess that's a good point, but when you bite in expecting sugary goodness and you taste pumpkin it's a little surprising. Maybe we eat too much sugar as Americans. Maybe it's a sign that I should cut back.

There were other things that I've forgotten about that I was going to include, but ironically enough I can't remember what they are. HA! It's all slipping.


Unknown said…
haha. I laughed out loud when I read Cory's reaction to the 'low-fat' pumpkin pie. I can picture him saying that. We miss you guys. So excited for you too.
Unknown said…
P.S. I need to call you soon. I haven't talked to you in forever AND I have some questions about nursing for ya :) talk to ya soon
DottieLou said…
hmmmm what can I blame my forgetfullness on.... old age lol.
Penny said…
Oh the joys of pregnancy!!

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