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The big day arrived!!!!


Valarie said…
YEAH!! she is so precious. Need to come see you soon. I will call you.
DottieLou said…
that pumpkin is awesome. Isaak looks so cute. She is so tiny. Love you
jaredandgina said…
Oh Sadie she is so so sweet!! Did you make that pumpkin, so cool. Isaak looks so cute in his pirate costume!! Get some sleep little momma!!
Heather said…
Love the Pumpkin. Chloe looks so adorable. I am glad everything went well. I keep trying to convince Lizzie to be jealous that Chloe is all ready here and come out to meet us, but she is not listening.
Unknown said…
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Why was I thinking you were due later?! She is just beautiful! I hope your delivery was wonderful and I'm so excited to meet her. I'm sending you love vibes from the Caribbean. CONGRATULATIONS. I'm SO EXCITED!!!
Unknown said…
P.S. Just thought I would tell you that I checked this post again because I'm so excited for you guys. Also I'm looking forward to hearing about your delivery experience and I'm sure you will have great advice for me on baby #2 when we get there :)
Tina said…
So beautiful. I already love her :) So happy to hear you had an incredible birth. I am coming to see you guys in December. I was hoping to this month but you will have to post tons of pictures until I get to see her in person. Sadie, you are a rock star!

p.s. I can't believe you have TWO kiddos now. <3
Jenn said…
Yea, yea, yea, yea, yea! I'm thrilled that your birth experience was great and I can't wait to hear about it! But get some rest first. :)
Melissa said…
Congratulations! Sweet baby!
The Studes said…
Yippee!!!!!! Congrats to you guys she is perfect!

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