My biggest concern about becoming a stay at home Mom was that I was going to be bored. I had no idea that I wouldn't hardly have time to shower. Seriously some days I don't get to shower until about one or two in the afternoon. This is partly because in the morning I'm fighting with everything that I have to keep Isaak asleep so I can get more than 4-5 hours of sleep. I know now why I should have be younger to have kids because for some reason when I was in college 4-5 hours of sleep was definitely enough. Now I feel like I've got hit by a freight train. I have been told to sleep when Isaak sleeps, but that means that I never get to shower and then I have no time to do anything else........I know I'm sure people are crying for me. It's also an amazing experience to have this cute little baby that you are completely in charge of-well when you aren't praying constantly for help! We've had some exciting times I've learned a lot more about crying like my baby does it all the time and boys really do pee when you take their diaper off. I've been hit four times already-three times in one night. I also realized that I still have a full time job-it's called breastfeeding I do it for about 40 hours a week plus I'm on call all night.......But the last of my worries is boredom-who would have known???
But that little face makes it all worth it. He's so stinkin' cute!!!! Speaking of my full time job-I've got to go it's about that time again...
But that little face makes it all worth it. He's so stinkin' cute!!!! Speaking of my full time job-I've got to go it's about that time again...