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Ode to Cory

Brand new Handsome Daddy.

I just wanted to dedicate an entire blog to my sweetest husband. I know that it's super cheesy, but I'm not very good at saying thank you and those of you that know me know that I'm super bossy. Bossy with a capital 'B' and Cory just smiles at me and says, "Did you mean to say please?" I laugh and remember my manners. He is soooooooo considerate and kind. I really mean it. He wakes up every time I feed Isaak to see if I need any help and changes his diaper if I need him too. I didn't even change a single diaper for the first five days. Isaak still has his days and nights all mixed up, so Cory(even when he has to go to work) will stay up with the little guy and then wake me up to feed him in the wee hours of the morning, so I can get some sleep. He is always willing to take Isaak and coddle him into quietness. He's amazing. He also helps me get what I want. He believes in me and helps me dream. He is the greatest husband ever. Plus he always makes me laugh, even when I don't think that I want to. He puts up with listening to Jack Johnson and like artists for hours even though he doesn't like it. He shovels the walk and our stairs every single time it snows and even clears off my windshield. He made all my meals for the last couple of weeks including breakfast, lunch and dinner. He even watched Mama Mia without complaining-well without too much complaining. The list could go on and on and I just found some pictures of some of my favorite moments with Cory.

Cory hates this picture, but when we were in China we had to do these cheesy plays with the 3-6 year olds and Cory made those scissors out of cardboard and those spiffy suspenders were black construction paper. It was awesome to watch Cory dance across the stage with the kids. Cory and I were riding bikes in Yangshou. We decided to ride a tandem bike and Cory worked so hard to keep me calm as I was screaming out of fear because we shared the road with some crazy chinese drivers. I still can't believe we made it out alive. When it started raining Cory told me to put my feet up off the pedals and he pedaled us the rest of the way home safely, but soaked. Luckily we were in our swimming suits. What would an ode to a lover be without a kissing picture. We were walking around as the sun set and of course it was so romantic and we had to have a picture to remember how in love we felt. This is when Cory learned how to play the chinese flute thingy like a pro. I tried and tried, but was never able to figure it out. Cory and his trumpet lips easily mastered the instrument and we even bought it and brought it home, so if you ever want to hear a pretty groovy song-have Cory play you a little tune. We went snowshoeing on New Years Day. Cory followed me(of course I knew where I was going) trailblazing for about two hours in the wrong direction as we reached the peak we just started laughing because I lead us straight up a mountain. By this point we were both sweating, bright red, and ready to be done, but had to retrace our steps and follow the real path. Cory just laughed and said, "Well at least we got our exercise."Cory twisted his ankle the day before we took this picture running around looking for a place for us to stay since the hostel that we booked was crawling with bedbugs and was absolutely nasty. We ended up staying in a tent and sleeping in old chinese military coats-much better than waking up bitten to death. Cory hiked down cement stairs for five miles and didn't complain once about his swollen ankle that was black and blue. I love this picture because I'm getting a Cory hug. I love to be hugged by Cory-he's the best hugger in the world. I immediately feel safe and loved when he hugs me. AhHHHh sweet.We went hiking up a canyon and we got to a spot that we were too short for and Cory lifted and pulled us all over the rocks so that we could finish the hike. He's strong too. That's hot. Cory being crazy at the Grand Ole Opry. I love you sooooo much. Thank you so much for being crazy fun and just being the greatest husband in the world. Sorry if some of you feel like puking, but I want Cory to know how much I appreciate and love him. Cory-you are the greatest!!!!!


Sadie I think it's great. Even though it took forever to get married it was worth the wait.
I love you guys. Cory is the best you have a great man :)
DottieLou said…
she really is bossy.... Yea for Cory ... however lets talk about that rock climbing picture...... Sadie's Mommy
Unknown said…
Awww. I loved reading that and seeing all of those pictures. I think that posts like that are important because it helps us to remember what is really important and to focus on all of the positive and less on the negative things. Happy Valentine's Day Kids!
That is so sweet! It is so great that Corey takes such good care of you.

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