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How to even begin....I have had so many thoughts swimming around in this mind of mine. I've been thinking about my age. I used to think that my prime was in my twenties. They say that it's all downhill after Thirty, but I've decided that I don't believe that. I just finished teaching an aerobics class on Monday and I thought to myself, "I feel more beautiful and collected now than I ever had before." I decided that I love 30 and I look forward to getting older because if that means that you feel more connected to the person you are then it will only get better and better. I read a funny little Christmas story called "The Christmas Scrapbook" and the man told his wife of 45 that he thought she was cute when she was younger, but that she was beautiful now. I think of all the women in my life and there is such an elegance, calmness and beauty about age. I love getting older--I bet some day as my sight c0ntinues to dive, my joints ache, and I start to forget even more than I do now I might reconsider those words, but for now I love it. I guess maybe I'm starting to realize that for me the most important thing is love and service well and sacrifice. I'm learning tons about service and sacrifice. It may be hard, but it feels so good. Plus I think these are the best days my hair has seen--I think back to my mission hair and cringe that I ever went out in public!!! I just remember hearing all the time, "Wow! You have a lot of hair." I've finally learned to tame the mane...


DottieLou said…
good thoughts.. I love you -- and I love your hair no matter what you do with it
I loved this post too! You are full of awesome posts lately :)

I usually cry every birthday I have. I hate getting older. But this year has brought on some new thoughts on age. I feel more beautiful the older I get too and I love looking at everything I have experienced with another year of life. It makes me feel stronger and wiser... especially after some recent experiences. Funny how our perceptive changes huh?

As always, I adore you (and that includes your fabulous hair!) Happy Saturday!

Tina said…
Oops!!! Sorry! I didn't realize I was still logged in under my other google account. Duh!
I love your thoughts. It is so true. I love who I am now, and would never want to go back to my 20 year old self. I have always loved your hair by the way. It looked good on your mission, and it looks good now:)supsub
aisy said…
amen AND amen to this post! i love my 30s
Unknown said…
Ya know, I've been thinking a little about this subject as well, because frankly aging scares me sometimes.

But, I did come to a similar conclusion in the fact that I see women who are older than me and THEY DO have an elegance and confidence about them that says, "I know who I am" and it is beautiful.

Thanks for this post.

Ha ha ha... oh the mission hair. I've heard about this story several times from you guys. I haven't seen what it was, but it is beautiful now!

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