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CPR for little ones

We were having FHE aka Family Home Evening if you are wondering to yourself what in the world is's mormon lingo. I struck a deal with Cory that if I prepared the lesson then he would clean up the kitchen. I felt like I totally scored--reading through books or scrubbing dishes??? Reading through books!!! I prepared a lesson on parenting--since I am a parent. I decided to add a little spice to the lesson and do a physical challenge. I randomly decided to teach the ABC's of CPR. A is for Airway. B is for Breathing. C is for circulation. I show Cory how to check to see if a person is breathing and then I show him how to give emergency breaths. I let him practice on me, then our little spectator comes over and wham!!!! He gives me CPR to the nose. I guess he was listening, learning and excited to participate. We laughed so hard and I am so thankful that the camera was out, so I can share the exciting experience with you. I must say I learned a little more about parenting than I bargained for--He is always watching and learning.....Disclaimer: I do realize these photos are not extremely flattering, but I am posting them anyway in hope that you will enjoy a glimpse into our crazy life. P.S. We are excited for Isaak to get older because he will be awesome at CPR. He's already ready to save lives.
Me getting CPR to the nose-notice the hand placement. He's good!!!
Me in dismay as I have slobber dripping off my nose in all directions. Isaak wondering why in the world people do this crazy stuff!! And probably relieved he doesn't have to give me any more emergency breaths because my nose doesn't taste all that good.


DottieLou said…
now that is funny ... maybe he will be a fireman
aisy said…
that's hilarious!
Tina said…
ROFL!!! Showed this to James, we both had fun laughing at how incredibly smart your son is! Thank you for including the pictures... there is only so much words can say but pictures capture the moment completely! LOVED IT!
Ok that is really funny! He is going to be very smart and social just like his parents. haha
Unknown said…
HAHAHAHA! What a cute little guy. Smart, too.

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