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It's official I've been Mommified. I've seen it happening to others for years and now I've become part of the madness. Don't worry I'm not talking about being Mummified for all my entrails are safely where they should be, but I'm talking more about slime and snot. Yes slime. I was getting ready for bed and I looked down at my Pajama shirt and realized that I had been gooed. I had junk all over the bottom half of my shirt. I had no idea what it was and the most alarming part of this.....I simply shrugged my shoulders and thought well it's dry at least it won't get on my sheets. I slept in a slimy shirt.

Example number two--Isaak had a runny nose last week. I had to run into Nordstroms for a second and didn't want to carry Isaak and the diaper bag, so I just took Isaak. As we were strolling into the store I noticed that he had some runny nose goodness. I quickly wiped his snot with my shirt sleeve on the inside. EWWWWW!! I just did what??? Gross Office. But the funny thing is that it didn't even gross me out. And the best part was that nobody knew because it was hidden on the inside of my sleeve.

The final example--I'm a big old marshmellow when my baby gives me cuddles and I'll drop anything just for him to sit on my lap for a minute. I let him give me big slobber-gooey kisses and I love it!! I also don't mind changing his stinky diapers and yes the other day I was covered in his diaper loves because he started squirming at all the wrong times. We made it through after a bath!!!
the Boy responsible for my Mommification
Random Pics that I like


Heather said…
Your sock is another great place to wipe snot when you don't have tissue. Something else I caught myself doing one day that I use to think was gross. We were in Sacrament and one of the kids had a half chewed something and didn't want the rest of it so with no where else to put it I just popped it in my mouth and went about the day. Fun things to look forward to!
Megan said… guys look so cute in your pictures! Yep, guilty. I could say I've wiped my offsprings snot on the bottom in the back of my pants. I feel so awkward admitting this :P
jaredandgina said…
Cute pics Sadie! I am in that club too. Funny how things change!
How are you guys?

Love the new main picture!
DottieLou said…
welcome to the club
Unknown said…
hahaha.. gross. I guess I will understand better when I have children.
P.S. I love the pic at the top of your blog!
I love the pics! I was thinking ewww when I was reading your posts, but I know the day won't be far off when I become mommified. No one who has kids can escape it.

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