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Isn't that nice?

1. I was shopping at the grocery store the other night because I wanted some white beans and they were on sale. Why white beans? First of all, I love Pasta E Faglioli and Second, Vegetarian Chili, and Third I don't have any more recipes so if you have any let me know. I got to the appointed aisle and there were no white beans. I was disappointed and debated if I wanted to go and ask for a rain check, then.....Another guy on the aisle shopping with his little guy--noticed me going through all the cans checking behind other cans and he asked me if I was looking for white beans. I said yes and then he gave me four cans out of his cart. He said we have plenty you can have some of ours. I couldn't believe it. It was so NICE! It made me want to be more nice. I really think we sometimes forget that we are all people and we are all in this together, but it made my day.

2. The next morning I am at my Yoga class. The people in the class are really nice and chatty, so after we were talking about burning calories, etc. I mentioned that I was still breastfeeding. I know are you shocked? I didn't think that I would make it past four months and here we are past a year!!! I sometimes worry if people will think that Isaak is too old, but he's a skinny little guy and he only eats three times a day, so why not? I imagine he will wean himself off around 18 months. But I mentioned it to my Yoga Ladies (can I even call them that?) and they were all impressed and told me what a great job I had done. And they even said that they wished they could have stuck in longer for their kids. Again I felt like I was on cloud nine. They told me that I was great! Who doesn't like to hear that! Well I do, so if you ever want to tell me you think that-go right on ahead.

3. I finally finished Cory's Valentines Present. I made a digital scrapbook of one of our favorite vacations together. It ended up being about 30 pages in all and took many hours and long nights. I'm pretty proud of it. I tried to print it on winkflash, but they trim off about .5 an inch off the bottom and it won't work for me since I literally used the entire page on most of them, so if you plan on printing on winkflash leave some room at the bottom of the page for a little trim.

4. Isaak has started saying words. He repeats after you and said his name today. It was cute. He also says, "Hi," and "Mama," and "Da," which means Dad. I'm pretty sure because he points at Cory's picture and says, "DA!" He is also into stacking things. He tried to stack the laundry soap on his tractor along with several balls. He thought it was funny that the balls kept rolling off the top.

4. Last but not least--Survivor is back on. I think that I might qualify as an obsessed and loyal fan. I love it. I can't wait for it to be on and then when I watch an episode I can't wait until next week. Yeah for Survivor.
Super Nice that I get to see this happy face every single day!!!
Another Super Nice that I get to kiss this man every single day!!

So that's all the nice and exciting things of my week. Yeah for Nice.


DottieLou said…
hi Sadie I think your great
Heather said…
So glad you had a great week!
jaredandgina said…
I love that beans guy! How NICE. Yeh for yoga ladies who support breastfeeding!! Keep it going sister! By the way I think you are super NICE!
randah said…
Can I just tell you how much I love you guys? Ok, well since I probably won't hear an answer back before I want to just say it- hear it goes:

Sounds like a great week. I can't believe Issac is saying words now. He is getting big. Time really flies. By the way, I think you are great.

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