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A glimpse into my past....

With a Wink and a Smile. When he knows I've got the camera he gives me a little scrunchy face smile. It's one of my favorite faces and I'm so happy to have got it at the perfect moment.
My new scarf--thank you Tina. I watched youtube videos and learned fun new ways to wear it, so if you don't like it take it up with the cute British lady who gave me the idea.
We recently took an emergency responder course to learn how to help if a natural disaster happens. Cory was dressed and prepared in case it happened while we were walking around the block. He might have had some people looking at him strangely, especially when he started walking backwards....

A glimpse.....I have thought about blogging for a couple weeks, but have always found something else to do with my time like watching the Bachelor for instance. I kind of cheated this time and I read a spoiler at the beginning of the show. At first I thought that I would regret it, but as it turns out I'm glad that I did because Jake chose Vienna--the girl that all the others chose to hate. I kept an open mind about her and figured maybe the other girls were jealous because of their obvious connection? I was happy with the ending. I was. So obviously I have been doing some very important things with my time. Like trying to be all therapeutic with my tv programming.

I also started a journal-an official, private reverie of all my thoughts, ideas, and frustrations. I love it. I actually plan on making an entry as soon as I finish this post. I even have been writing down what I ate for dinner. I was reading one of my old journals and I wondered what I had eaten on particular days--now I won't have to wonder. Again another very important time occupier.

We had a great Valentines Day. We saw Dear John, which I loved and would love to see again if anybody needs to go--please give me a reason!!! It reminded me of my relationship with Cory since we only had two weeks to get to know each other before he went to Hawaii. Anyway-then we went to a couples yoga class--Interesting.....I would like to do another one. Then we watched the Opening Ceremonies to the Olympics, which in turn ate up the rest of my free time as I cheered, yelled and loved watching the games. I even watched curling and I liked it better than boring figure skating. I am also officially a year older--my birthday was absolutely perfect. Perfect. Perfect. When I first woke up and realized it had snowed I was a little disappointed because I'm sooo ready for spring, but then I realized that I love snow. So we went snowshoeing and we got to make our own trail. It was magical. Hmmm. I've been treated wonderfully by my friends. I feel spoiled. I have so many great, kind, and sincere friends. Kristen has officially become my soup kitchen! Whenever I really needed soup--she was there with some soup! Miraculous.

Lastly my baby is so big. He doesn't even look like a baby anymore. He's pretty funny and frustration about communication is setting in. He points a lot and I rarely have any idea what he wants, so I keep trying one thing after another until he smiles and says ank ew, which is Isaak for Thank you. I feel joy in my heart and it feels good. I love to laugh and be able to feel it.


Unknown said…
First, I love the picture of Cory all ready for an emergency. He's a riot.

Second, I feel ashamed to admit that I watched the Bachelor as well (been hangin' out on the couch much more often now, if you know what I mean) and at first I really wanted him to pick Tenley, but now I think that Vienna and Jake are good together. Tenley deserves someone better. She really is like a disney princess.

Third, I thought that that movie looked kind of cheesy, but maybe I will try it out. Maybe.

Fourth, love the pic of Isaak. Can't believe he's talking more and more. Before you know it, he'll be telling you everything he needs or wants. Exciting.
Cory&SadieK said…
Erin--you should think about it--it really is a good movie. It's not overly cheesy and the acting is good and I like the plot also.
jaredandgina said…
Okay I just read the book Dear John yesterday and have been thinking about it all day. It was really sad! I was really excited to see the movie but now I don't know if I want to. Was the movie sad and depressing like the book. I just keep hoping that it has a different ending! I even dreamed about it last night and in my dream it had a happier ending.
Have you read the book?

Anyways, looks like you guys are having fun! I loved the olympics too and miss it so much already. I agree about the figure skating. I use to love it and now-boring!

Love you guys! Isaak is so stinking cute!!
Cory&SadieK said…
I haven't read the book, maybe I will but the movie doesn't have a sad ending. I liked it--maybe they were sneaky and didn't follow the book--just like My Sister's Keeper wasn't even close to the real story.
Sadie, I am glad you had a great birthday. That cooking class we went to was awesome. I still salivate when I think of the soup we had. BTW I am happy to be your soup kitchen lol. If you ever want soup, just let God know, and expect me in a half hour.
DottieLou said…
i love Cory's new look ps the Bachelor (s#@%s)

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