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Isaak has the awesomest cowlick. It nearly takes up tons of room on his lil head. I imagine as his head gets bigger it will get smaller. Positive thinking, eh? I love his little cowlick because whenever he gets into the car seat or a little sweaty the thing gets volume! it goes all curly crazy messy. I'm always trying to swirl it back into place. I imagine it looks like I never comb his hair. Maybe I don't. I'm not going to tell. Cory got some awesome pictures of his bed head. I love the pictures I think that he's adorable in them. He has one of my favorite Isaak looks on his face.This day was awesome. It was supposed to be rainy and yucky out, but it was gorgeous. We didn't even do anything that exciting besides get a copy of our marriage license and Isaak's birth certificate. We stopped in SLC on our way home at the Belgian Waffle place and had ourselves a Gaufre. Yum. I love them and it got me thinking about Belgium and how much I love the city of Brussels and how I would actually love to buy a waffle in the train station instead of downtown SLC. They are about half the price in Brussels. I miss good ole brussels. I want to see it again. Instead I settled for playing soccer and jump rope in the back yard. I say jump rope meaning we had a jump rope, but it served an entirely different purpose. Isaak can't jump the rope yet. Then I realized that I loved spending time with these two wild and crazy guys who both have the ability to make me giggle. So I love this picture because it reminds me of that day!


DottieLou said…
ahhhh you are all so cute. I want to go to Brussels to get a table cloth, and to just smell the air... I loved the smell of air there... I love the smell in the air in Hawaii also but Brussels is entirely different. Hawaii is flowery and sweet and salty. Brussels is everything... it smells like fabric softener... ohhhhhh the memories that was the best trip of my entier life
jaredandgina said…
Welcome back to the blogging world!! Love Isaak's bedhead so cute. Gonna be in Utah June 28-July 7th so we gotta party!!
Unknown said…
Isaak reminds me of Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes) with his hair like that.

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