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Nice Shoes

The other day we were getting ready to head out and Isaak didn't want to wear the shoes I had, so I asked him what he wanted to wear. He picked out those beauties above. He wanted one Lightening McQueen and one dress shoe. We had a Christmas Party on Saturday-We were part of the nativity so we were all dressed up and Isaak got to wear his sandals. You better bet he's been asking to wear them everyday. I haven't given in yet--because it's cold! BRRRRRR! It's been a crazy change. He refused to go to Nursery and he'd cry and cry, then about three weeks ago he went and now he goes without a problem--three weeks in a row. Wow. We went to a dinner last night just him and I and usually he won't go anywhere without me and wants me to play with him, but last night he went right downstairs with the other kids and watched TV and played. Wow. I love independence. It's just weird how it seems to have happened overnight. The other things he is independent about: 1. he hates to wear his coat 2. he hardly ever wants my help and is often heard saying, "no, mommy, stop it." 3. Seriously he never wants help and will scream an incredibly high pitched scream if I touch or help him when he doesn't want it.This is his favorite Christmas toy. He likes to take the train all over the house. It's one of the best pictures I have of him recently because he doesn't have a pause button. He just keeps moving and moving and moving and moving. Isaak giving me cuddles after we found out he had yet another ear infection! Yikesabee! Those blasted things love him. But I loved getting loves all the time. I made Cory take a picture for proof that it happens sometimes.


Unknown said…
What a cute boy. Yay, I'm so glad that he's more independent. You deserve a bit of a break!
DottieLou said…
... if you had not have found that shoe last night he would get to wear those all the time
Tina said…
I love that I already knew all these things from talking to you! That means alot to me :) I love love love the photo of you and Isaak. You are gorgeous and that is precious! And I love your profile picture!

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