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My Baby is cute

Okay so technically he's not a baby anymore. He's had his birthday and has moved over on to being a toddler. But I still find him to be enticingly adorable. We recently got his haircut which was so sad. He lost all of his blond hair. I have plans to spend huge amounts of time outside so that it will lighten back up. Or so I hope. It did help tame his swirly twirly cowlick. I love that I'm not always trying to get it to lay down nicely!I tried to pick a few favorites, but I couldn't so I had to use all of them. I think my favorite one is when he's throwing his head back and laughing. He has recently started doing that. I don't do it and Cory doesn't do it, so i think he must have learned it from Cruella Deville. He loves that show and calls it Puppies. So maybe it's his evil laughter, but in any case it's cute.

PS--Dear Winter--I'm done with the cold. Dear Spring--Please some soon!!!!!!!


Haha so I see that Corey finally let you cut his hair:) He is so cute, and you have the cutest scrap book pages. I love them. We will have to get together in the next couple of weeks and digital scrap book if you have time and want to. I would love to learn from you:)

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