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Don't worry I'm not talking about hemorrhoids. Isaak is on roids--steroids-prescribed by our good ole doctor. I can't wait until he's done because I don't know how much longer I can take a two year old that has discovered hitting that is super duper hyper and cranky pants!!!! Anyone who knows Isaak knows he has quite a bit of energy so double that and man do you have trouble. His cousin came over to play and he kept whacking the poor boy. By the end of the night I couldn't help but laugh when Isaak hit him. Maybe because I'm so tired of disciplining the kid because it's obviously not working--yet. Don't worry Cory was the good adult and kept a straight face. The first three days he was on steroids he didn't sleep too well. The end of the third day I kept thinking if I don't get some sleep I'm going to turn into Mrs Hyde. Thankfully the end of our sleepless nights ended that night. I slept straight through until five am. It was glorious. I love sleep. I don't think I realized how much until I had Isaak. I treasure that time.

A side note on some of the fun things because truly our life isn't miserable: we dyed easter eggs and I thought Isaak was going to get bored, but he looooved it. He loved to put the eggs in the cups and push them around with the metal poker. I changed into old clothes and put newspaper everywhere to avoid any--oh stinkies that's going to stain! I thought he would love putting the stickers on the eggs, but I was wrong again. He just liked putting them in the dye. We gave him a lawnmower that he can push all around for Easter. He loves it. Seriously. I've been wondering about how I'm going to stand hearing the pop, pop, pop noise, but at the same time he loves it so much that I couldn't change it. My favorite moment was when he said, "look Mom I got a car vacuum." he calls his lawnmower a car vacuum--it has a key like a car and it looks kind of like a vacuum. I love his mind. We hid easter eggs, but after we coaxed him into finding three hard boiled eggs he wasn't interested. We went to an Easter egg hunt at Cory's parents and he loved finding those eggs--maybe because they were filled with candy. He was gathering those babies up like crazy when he figured that out.

So now that my post has turned into a nice journal post. I'll leave you with that and the hope of knowing we only have two more doses of steroids left. Alleluia!
Isaak with his poor cousin who handled getting whacked many times in three hours with courage!


Tina said…
I have been thinking about you! I read another person's blog about having their son on steroids and they said after 2 days they quit. They could not deal with their sons behavior when he was on them so they just quit. Good thing you are battling this thing out!!! Isaak sure is lucky to have such a selfless person as his momma! You are incredible. I am so happy to hear he let you get some sleep. You need it! And the world is much prettier with sleep. I will count down with you to when you get done with the roids. Wish I was there to visit you guys. Miss you like crazy!
Valarie said…
Anytime you need help call me - I can change my schedule around on occasion to help . Love you.
Penny said…
Yay for almost being done with steroids. Don't let my post fool you about Disney World. It was a lot of work running after an 18 month old. We only did that trip bc it was paid for thru Mike's work. It was fun having Izzy, but Costa Rica with Jennie and Chris (kid free) that was a vacation!!
Unknown said…
What a funny boy! I bet that was so much fun dying Easter eggs together! I laughed when I read the 'car vacuum' thing. So imaginative.
I really hope he gets better soon. He deserves it. You guys deserve a break, too. :) Hopefully by the time you guys go on vacation.

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