I think going from one to two kids is so much easier than when you have your first. I don't know if it's the idea that you are already in family mode or that you are more prepared to have your world turned upside down. I'm tired often, but I try to nap in the afternoons when I can. I don't seem to have much solo time because I've either got Isaak or Chloe with me. Chloe aka the cuddlebug loves to be held all the time. Chloe takes a nap about 5 to ten minutes before Isaak wakes up from his. But at least I have a few minutes right? She's sleeping now and Isaak is wreaking havoc with his best buddy Jayda. They really are wreaking havoc--How can kids make messes so fast? I'm amazed. I need to work on my mess making skills because they put me to shame unless you count cooking for dinner. I can mess up a kitchen, but i hate to clean it up.
I'm happy to have two kids and my recent dilemma is when to have what kid wait. I want to
make both Isaak and Chloe happy, but sometimes they have needs at the exact same time. I love when they are both crying because then I have to decide what is most important to handle before I get a headache. On the way to the library today they were both screaming in the back and I just turned on some Christmas Music and Isaak eventually started singing with me and Chloe gave up her crying because she wanted out of the carseat and into my arms. the blissful calm that proceeded for the last ten minutes of the drive was awesome. My mind is all over the place because I'm overtired, but not terribly so. I even think that I'll attempt another child. I was talking to my aunt and uncle and they have a boy and a girl and now they wished they
would have toughed it out and had a couple more, so I think I have some grit in me, but not for at least a few years. I only have so much grit. I can't use it all up in just a few years. I'm going to post some scrapbooking that I've done and I have some pictures from Chloes blessing that hopefully I will get downloaded...this week....or maybe next. But they are cute. Off to feed the baby as she wakes!!!! I forgot to make mention that Isaak likes Chloe. He was asked the other night if it was okay if someone else took her home and he said, "No thats my baby." Phew. so he may get jealous and be rough, but at least he likes having her around.
