I absolutely love Halloween. We started talking about Halloween costumes in August. It's funny because so many people say they don't like halloween, but I love the idea of dressing up and other people dressing up. It's just fun. This Halloween we had a rockin' party at Desi and Heather's house(my brother and sister in law). All my nieces and nephews were there, well except for Mckenna. They are so blasted cute.
The meanest sheriff in town. About half way through trick or treating Braiden decided that he didn't want to wear his pants anymore, so he would knock on doors and say, "I'm the sheriff hand over your candy." I told you-blasted cute!!!!
Here are Cory and I in our costumes. I hope that you can surely tell that I'm a bumble bee and Cory is a Wasp. Cory said he couldn't be a bumble bee because it wasn't manly enough, but apprently wasps are. We even made our own wings and our extra webbing came in handy so we could harness those lovely wings on our backs.
This is our bees in action picture. We are practically flying away.
The Halloween spread. The finger cookies were so good and I'm now addicted to chexmix with golden grahams.
Nicole and I in costumes. She makes a cute cat, eh?
Love you two