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The time is coming to an end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited and nervous.......

Finally week 37! So this means that I can go into labor at any time and the baby is good and ready. I'm actually really excited for the whole birthing process. We just hired a doula and she said, "This is going to be so much fun." I like to think about that-it's going to be so much fun. I'm excited for the experience. I must also say that I love being pregnant. I know this is my first pregnancy, but it's amazing how perfect our bodies are and how they can change and just the miracle of creating life. Now it sounds like my emotions are talking-I'll probably be crying by the end of the blog.
My tummy is getting larger and larger. I've finally gained about 20 pounds and I've also been growing a centimeter a week. I know that is boring information to some people, but it seems like that is what my life revolves around right now. Either that or what stroller is easiest to fold. Cory took these pictures just before Christmas. We were supposed to go Christmas Caroling, but because it snowed so much we just ended up drinking wassail. I had no idea that I even liked wassail. So there I am with my big tummy.......


DottieLou said…
you are so cute what is a dulah... I have only heard that word on Gilmore Girls..
Jenn said…
When I saw that you had a new blog post, I thought FOR SURE it was going to be announcing Issak's arrival! I can't wait to see pictures of him when he comes!
The Studes said…
lol... your tummy isn't big AT ALL!!! but youuare still really cute =)
I'm glad you finally got around to downloading more photos =)
Unknown said…
I am so excited for you guys. I also feel bad because when you stopped over on Saturday, I didn't even ask you about anything regarding the pregnancy! I feel terrible! Well, we again are so excited for you guys! Let us know.

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