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I'm happily brushing my teeth in the bathroom. I'm looking around wondering what else I could be doing while I'm brushing my teeth and I started to think to myself, hmmmm, I wonder what's in toothpaste? I picked up the tube with my free hand and continued brushing. As I was reading the back I noticed a WaRnINg: Do not use for more than four weeks at a time. What? Do not use for more than four weeks? I anticipated reading if you swallow more than what you are brushing your teeth with call poison control. I try to start adding up how long I've been using this toothpaste. Cory didn't like it, so I've been using it solo and it has surely been more than four weeks. Now I don't know what to do with it--do I take a break and come back to it or do I just keep using it? I mean it's been about three months and I still have quite a bit left and nothing seems out of the ordinary yet...But seriously I think that the warning on the toothpaste should at least been on the front. I looked at all of our other tubes of toothpaste and it was the only one with such a warning-phew...

Another thought I had while brushing my teeth and getting ready...Isaak needs to marry one of my good friends daughter. It's the perfect resolution to so many future problems. Just imagine Thanksgiving....I can see it now--the entire family together from both sides. AHHHH-the joy. Then my Son's Mother in Law could simply tell me when I'm bugging her and then she would already know my idiosyncrasies and love me for them anyway. I would love her too. Can you see how great that would be? Imagine the awesome games of ultimate Frisbee we could play before we eat on Thanksgiving??? It's sounding better and better!

The last thing that I've been thinking about..I was filling out some papers at the Doctor's office and it asked for me to write my status of being--it used to be recreation therapist, but now what do I put? I don't like the word housewife. It's not that it's a bad word or I don't know why I'm trying to explain this, but I want a different describer word like..............yep, I'm drawing a blank. Maybe I should put MOM in all caps.....I'm not sure, but if you have any ideas please share...


The Studes said…
what toothpaste was it?.. i'm afraid! =)
Unknown said…
hmmmmm. Was the toothpaste you were using a whitening toothpaste or something? That is weird, but I'm sure that it is not a cause for too much concern or they would probably have a law suit against them by now.

As for your role, how about: Primary Nurturer? I agree, housewife just has that negative connotation to it.
DottieLou said…
i would toss the toothpaste and use something else.

Domestic Engineer... CEO
Me said…
Haha I loved this post! One, I would totally do the same thing. How can anyone just stand there and brush there teeth and do nothing else? We always have to be doing more then one thing at a time! Second, what toothpaste was it? I generally reach for the lotion or soap to read so I haven't read my toothpaste yet. Although, I probably will tonight :) And third, I think that Isaak and AliCherie would make a perfect couple. And I would love to play ultimate frisbee with you so it is a match made in heaven... and destiny. lol

Oh! And I think DottieLou had a great title: CEO. Or CFO would be fitting too.

Thank you for being such an amazing friend and for giving me delightful things to read. :D
aisy said…
Why does the doc care what you do? I mean, why is that even a question? And seriously, what was the toothpaste?
Cory&SadieK said…
The culprit is Colgate Sensitive. I had a coupon, so I bought it. Now I'm discarding it--I mean what good is a toothpaste up aren't supposed to use for more than a month?
So entertained that there is a toothpaste that you can only use for 4 weeks. What's the point.

You could always put Nia/fitness instructor. You still teach Nia.
When Derek and I start having kids Isaak can marry our daughter. Lets hope we have one :)
Valarie said…
Good luck with having Isaak pick the girl of YOUR choice. If Kevin would have went with the girl of his mothers choice - well my boys would not be my boys. And when I 1st started dating him - my family would not have chose him either - but everbody loves him now...good thing huh married 22+ years. Thanks for the heads up on the toothpaste - I will be reading it tonight. I like Domestic Engineer....but there is nothing wrong with just plain old "MOM" - to me that means alot of things...:)

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