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Is there a mouse in your house?????

We don't have a mouse in our house, BUT we have one in our CAR!!! EWWW! Gross! I usually never drive Cory's car because well it's beat to death. I officially awarded his car this morning as the Ghetto-est car I've ever seen. It's been stolen, crashed in a high speed chase--and it looks it--really and now it is home to our little friends the mice. I wanted to go to a Zumba class and my car was out of gas, so I took Cory's. I was happily driving along when I decided to put my wallet in the glove compartment. I shrieked as I opened it because this is what I found.........A mice lair in the glove compartment. I started freaking out as any normal person would who realizes that they are sharing their car with a mouse that could dart out at any second and cause a horrendous accident. I think it might be worse than having a bee in the car. I start looking around for other evidences of mice and there is mice poop all over the front of the car. I really start shrieking because I realize I'm sitting in it! EWWW. I debated getting out of the car and having Cory come pick me up, but alas I was courageous and strong! I defeated my fear. I even went to the zumba class, which was awesome. Cory is at this moment disinfecting the car and getting it vacummed out. We haven't seen the mice, but what do we do put a trap in the car. Oh, gross. I'm so glad that its not my car.

The blessing in all this is that Cory will have a squeaky(haha) clean car. It's also good that I took the car during the day because Cory usually only drives it around in the dark. So we found our little furry friend earlier. Now onto the rest of our week.......

Isn't he adorable? Well He had a miserable week. Incredibly. Last night was glorious because it was the first night he slept all night all week. I feel refreshed. We thought he was teething, which he was. He got a new molar this week, but after a trip to the Doctor we found out he also had hand, mouth and foot disease and thrush. No wonder all he did was cry. Poor little guy!!!

A few of the things I've learned this week to make life suck less. First--be grateful--in everything there is something to be grateful for. Second--be patient-try not to do everything at once and just give things time. Second and 1/2 Choose-yep choose a good attitude and happy thoughts. Third-laugh like it's going to go out of style. Life is hilarious. It is....


Jenn said…
Yes, Isaak IS adorable!!! That's crazy that there was a mouse in the car! Wonder how it got in there...
ok that is soo funny! That explains why you looked all frazled when you walked into Zumba! lol hilarious. I am sorry you have been having such a rough week. Let me know if there is anything I can do.
aisy said…
Oh my gosh that is so so sick. I thought it was bad that there was some in my house. Ewww. Love Isaak's photo.

Oh, and by the way to Jenn, I learned they only need a hole the size of a pen lid. Sick sick sick.
DottieLou said…
holy crap ... I think I would have walked... I so hate mice. We had them at the farm house in Woodscross I used to make poor little 2 year old desi scoop them up with tongs and put them in the trash... want a bad mom I am ...

I just love those huge eyes... missed seeing him this weekend
Heather said…
Eww Gross. I have heard they can chew through your wires and create lots of havic once they get in your car (things you hear on a farm). Hey, I just drove that car!!! Maybe if Cory had an ice scrapper in there it would have scared the mouse away!!!
Unknown said…
Oh my gosh the mouse thing is disgusting!
I freaked out when a mouse came running out in our living room from behind the t.v a few months ago. Paul was so determined to catch it, though that he went out and bought a sticky trap and caught it that night. (Those sticky traps work!)
Poor little Isaak. What a rough week for him and for mommy. Hope this week is much better for you guys. I love your out look and attitude about it all.

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