We've had a crazy week. Cory got the dreaded swine flu. He slept the week away from Sunday right until Thursday. The poor little sickie. I became queen of the Lysol disinfectant spray. I sprayed doorknobs, countertops, blankets, faucets, lightswitches, floors, pillows, and then I did it all again everyday to protect Isaak and I from the H1N1virus. We seemed to succeed this time neither Isaak or I have gotten the flu. So now we are trying to get outside and enjoy this weather as much as possible.
I learned something cool in church today. Someone said, "It's in the mundane things that you do that the biggest battles are won." It's true--the little ordinary things that we do everyday are what help us to conquer all that we come up against every day. We are in the trenches. Every act of service, every sacrifice for someone else, every smile, every dish cleaned, every drive, every prayer, every phone call, every cooked meal, everything we don't really feel like doing because we do it everyday helps us to overcome and conquer!!! So my goal this week is when I feel like life is monotonous or boring that I need to remember that I'm winning my biggest battles by doing what I do everyday.