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CaTch UP

There are a couple of things that I've wanted to blog about, but forgot to make time to do it, but I have time now. First thing first sewing project.....
.In all it's hand sewn glory. I might have scared my Mom to death when I was using her sewing machine. It was the simplest sewing ever, but of course it was all new to me and I struggled to figure out how to use it--but the important thing was that I did. It took me forever to finish this project-really hours. I like the finished project, but I don't love it because it's a really raggedy look in all kinds of ways rather than just frayed edges. I like the fabric and that devilishly handsome man with the white tie in the background. This is Cory and I in my running days. I really mean days. I had to stop running because I couldn't eat enough calories to make milk and exercise. A quick plug for breastfeeding-how awesome that I get to eat whatever I want and it just melts away--haha!So this was the first time that I ever ran for fun. It was about 2.5 months after I had Isaak and we ran in a 5K. I know to you big time runners that it's nothing a little measley 3 miles, but it was huge for me. I actually feel pretty proud of myself for doing it. My goal was to run the entire time without stopping and we did it. We ran and ran and ran-well for three miles anyway. I felt awesome when we finished and was planning on running in a 10k then a half, but now that will have to wait......
Isaak during his first 5k. He slept through the entire thing!!! What an angel. He slept through all the loudness-all the noise. I'm sure it was some hard work......My favorite thing about this day was that the race ended at the mall. We had a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble and bought a couple of books. We got a couple of classics: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Peter Pan-we thought that they were perfect books for a boy-plus I've never read Peter Pan. Then we shared a warm blueberry scone that was delicious!!!!!!! It was a great day!!


DottieLou said…
good times... is Cory still running with me??? or did he quit too?
I love the sewing project. How fun that you get to take time to learn these fun skills now. If you ever work as a rec therapist again when your kids are older, think of all the new skills you will have in your toolbox from being a mom. Oh and you have definitely convinced me I am breastfeeding when I have a baby. I definitely want to lose the baby fat the easy way.
Cory&SadieK said…
cory is still going strong. i'm not quiting i just cant practice-it will be a dry run for me!!!
The Studes said…
hey you got your basket finished!! thats awesome it looks so cute to. Isaak is going to lov eit next year =)
aisy said…
So cute... and I love the pics. Running is a whole different beast, and I love that you did it as a family. That rocks. Can't wait to read what your next adventures are when you don't have to burn calories for two!
Unknown said…
When did you guys run in that 5K? Paul's been really interested in running lately and I do some here and there as well. Maybe when you can get back to it we could run some races together? What a fun day!

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