There are a couple of things that I've wanted to blog about, but forgot to make time to do it, but I have time now. First thing first sewing project.....
Isaak during his first 5k. He slept through the entire thing!!! What an angel. He slept through all the loudness-all the noise. I'm sure it was some hard work......My favorite thing about this day was that the race ended at the mall. We had a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble and bought a couple of books. We got a couple of classics: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Peter Pan-we thought that they were perfect books for a boy-plus I've never read Peter Pan. Then we shared a warm blueberry scone that was delicious!!!!!!! It was a great day!!
In all it's hand sewn glory. I might have scared my Mom to death when I was using her sewing machine. It was the simplest sewing ever, but of course it was all new to me and I struggled to figure out how to use it--but the important thing was that I did. It took me forever to finish this project-really hours. I like the finished project, but I don't love it because it's a really raggedy look in all kinds of ways rather than just frayed edges. I like the fabric and that devilishly handsome man with the white tie in the background.
This is Cory and I in my running days. I really mean days. I had to stop running because I couldn't eat enough calories to make milk and exercise. A quick plug for breastfeeding-how awesome that I get to eat whatever I want and it just melts away--haha!So this was the first time that I ever ran for fun. It was about 2.5 months after I had Isaak and we ran in a 5K. I know to you big time runners that it's nothing a little measley 3 miles, but it was huge for me. I actually feel pretty proud of myself for doing it. My goal was to run the entire time without stopping and we did it. We ran and ran and ran-well for three miles anyway. I felt awesome when we finished and was planning on running in a 10k then a half, but now that will have to wait......