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oh la la

oh lalalalalalalala. I will just have you know when you say ohlala in french-it isn't at all what we Americans think. It surely doesn't mean hey hot stuff-or check that out-or that is sexy, but it actually means is- oh crap-or what in the world-or its the awesomest way to say--oh that just ticks me off. (forgive all my horrible grammatical errors) I remember being at a cute little Laotian ladies house(Claire-maybe you remember her-you might of cut her nails when I so kindly volunteered you.) and somebody was doing something outside and she started saying-ohlala-ohlala and clicking her tongue. You may wonder why I'm writing this-who cares about the french and their ohlala, but I do! And I actually feel like screaming OHLALA!!! And who would have even know what I meant if I wouldn't have shared this lovely tidbit of information. OHLALA! You are probably asking yourself-what, why? It's simply because Life is hard. Am I sad? no. Am I upset? no. I just realize sometimes that life is just difficult. I might even say that I enjoy it's difficulty. You never trully know what to expect and if you think one thing another might happen. You have an idea of what you think may be, but it quickly changes. You look back and realize that it all works out well. I remember being completely overwhelmed, defeated and depressed and then I had this simple little thought come to my mind that said-turn around. I of course turned around and saw the most beautiful sunset that I've ever seen in my life. The sky literally looked like it was on fire and the sun was so brilliant. I knew at that moment that God surely lived and that he loved me. I realized that no matter how difficult it became that it would always work out and I'd turn around and look behind me and say-wow that was awesome. 


I am glad you are able to have a good perspective. Keep your chin up. It is hard being a new mom I am sure, and it has a lot of challenges. If you need anything let me know. Take heart. One day something will happen, and life will suddenly get better. For example: Monday they fired my boss, and suddenly life got better. So since we seem to live parallel lives, your silver lining must be just around the corner.
Heather said…
It will all work out and just remember we love you lots!!!
DottieLou said…
hang in there babe... Life is Good
Unknown said…
I really like this post. So many truths and bits of wisdom. Thanks for sharing. Let me know if there is anything that Paul and/or I can help with. We're all here to share one another's burdens after all.
Tina said…
I just adore you Sadie. You somehow manage to keep a positive attitude even when life is simply not fair. I don't know how you do it. I am learning so much from you and am truly amazed at how strong of a women you are. I can't wait till you get this trial behind you and get to look back and think, "Man! I am awesome!"
claire said…
I miss Soeur LeGrande. When life gets you down remember that your living space has less cockroaches than hers (and you don't live with an invalid husband in an apartment where hundreds of birds have moved into the closet on the outside wall and filled it two feet high with their feces.) See, life is good! Love ya, chouchou.
Tina said…
I was just thinking about this post today for some reason. And thinking about how at the time it seemed like it was never going to end. Never going to get better. And now it is hard to imagine how we ever made it but we did! And it was awesome! :)

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