I want to know why in Utah if you put your blinker on people think that it means to speed up. Here I am thinking that it means that we are supposed to be ready for someone to come over into the lane. I am fully aware that it's not "my" lane and we are all entitled to ride in the lane to get to where we are needing to go. I often wonder why when I put my blinker on people don't eagerly welcome me to the lane and happily let me in. I'm talking about times when there is no traffic-yes-people still speed up and act like they are all put out that you might need to turn left instead of right. I guess what I'm trying to say is I wish we were all just a little nicer and realized everybody needs to get somewhere sometime and we might as well help each other do it. Phew...that's that. I will step off of my soap box.
Isaak has been sick this week. He has been a miserable little camper. He had a fever for about four days. Finally it has passed--hiphiphooray for antibiotics. Boo for ear infections! Boo to coughs too. Isaak has this little wheezy voice which I find to be adorable. His voice is all scratchy and his cry is so quiet--I can hardly hear him in the morning when he wakes up. Nothing new and exciting has happened. We get up everyday. We eat breakfast usually oatmeal. We play. We eat lunch. We play. We nap. We go to the gym. We go on walks. We go snowshoeing. We have just been hanging out as the winter thaws out.
I've been trying to journal along with our pictures since I'm not very good at journaling. I really want to get better. I read a quote that said something about write your own autobiography-write a journal. I think that's a cool way to look at it. I like to read Ann Frank's Diary. I really should start. So I've been doing so much journaling with pictures that I haven't felt like blogging. I broke down today and just added one of my pages as the pics. Sorry we are boring--maybe we are just tired of winter.
what color and size do you want your letters