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Summer Lovin'

I'm in love with Summer! I love being in the sun. I love hiking in the mountains and smelling the trees and feeling the soft dirt on the ground. I love getting all sticky and sweaty and walking into a cold house. I love leaving the windows open at night so a slight breeze can sneak in and keep my house cold. I love swimming and even more so I love to watch Isaak try and swim. We went swimming a couple times this week and most recently we went to a pool with a 2feet deep area and Isaak loved it. He refused any help and wanted to wade around. He went as far as picking up the rope in the pool and walking right underneath it. He was thinking that he could walk the entire pool I suppose. I wish I would have brought the camera, but sometimes I get lazy and kind of sick of worrying if it will get wet and even having to try and capture moments instead of simply enjoying them sometimes. I posted a couple pictures of our recent adventures where I actually took pictures. In Random order since I can't figure out blogger sometimes. I swear I need a blogger for idiots book.
Isaak has started a camera face, as soon as he realizes that the camera is out he breaks out his big cheesy grin and squinty eyes. I find it to be adorable. Sometimes when we are bored I get out the camera and take picture after picture and he loves to come and look at them after. He points and smiles at himself. I think he's proud of how cute he must think his big cheesy grin looks.

I've been taking some time to contemplate where I'm at this summer. I'm nervous about how our life will unfold. I will continue to be patient. I've been trying to set a goal everyday to work on. I've recently realized that I'm a busybody. busy, busy, busybody. I always like to have something to do or something going on or somewhere to go. I don't like it. I was reading an article in the Ensign and Joseph B Wirthlin said, "We fill our lives with appointments, meetings, and tasks" and then act frightened at the prospect of some quiet time." Why would that be? He feared that "we might feel that the busier we are, the more important we are-as though our busyness defines our worth." On another occassion he reminded us that "being busy is not necessarily being spiritual"-for in fact, noise and busyness can actually crowd out the still, small voice of the spirit." I think I do this. I assign task after task and I'm constantly thinking hmmmm-what could I do tonight that i think I miss out on opportunities to let life unfold before me. Sometimes when I plan nothing crazy, amazing things happen that are much better than I could have ever hoped for. I'm paraphrasing here, but Neal A Maxwell talked about taking moments for quiet and contemplation. He compared it to the trees, water and grass that find their way in between the asphalt. We need to be quiet and still. Sometimes at night I think it means laying on the floor while Isaak shows me new toys and asks me to swing him. He will stay in that swing for about thirty minutes sometimes! I keep thinking of the scripture in Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God." I need to take time to be still and feel the peace and love of God in my life. So my goal this week is to work on being still.


Unknown said…
I can totally relate to the 'needing to take more time to enjoy quiet time'. I'm a lot like you where I constantly need to feel like I'm busy and productive. Very good advice.
Sorry I haven't commented in a while... for some reason your posts don't update on my page so I didn't know you had any new ones. I'll try to be a better fan ;)
P.S. We miss you guys. Want to hang out?
Unknown said…
Oh and I love the new picture of you guys at the top of your blog. Isaak's hair is so blond! Cute.
jaredandgina said…
Love both the posts Sadie! You are so great! I feel the same way about always being busy. I love the Labortary pic. that is when I was first getting to know you! Oh the good ol days, I am so glad that you were in all my classes and in my ward cause you are such a great friend!
Penny said…
I love this post! I should follow that advice too! I feel like I always have to be doing something. I love the pictures!
Tina said…
Holy cow! Sadie!!!! You FINALLY updated your blog and I missed it! There are so many things I love about this post! Farris wheel... awesome! I am so jealous of Isaaks camera face... he needs to come teach AliCherie to embrace photos instead of run away :) Oh and it was fun reading about yours and Cory's night together. You are both such good people! And everything you said about being busy. I am the exact same but I am sure you already knew that. Maybe I will take on the same goal. Hmmm....

P.S. I miss you like crazy! And I am reminded that I miss you like crazy everyday! Big hug!

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