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And another!

I was so proud of myself during our trip to Goblin Valley because I didn't take that many photos. When I got home I discovered that I was wrong. I took way too many photos. Some of you may say there's no such thing as taking too many, but I like to scrapbook all the photos that I like so that I will remember the small things that happened later on down the line. So I'm still working on the second day of Goblin Valley. Maybe it's because we went on a super long hike that day or maybe it's because I was giddy about seeing red rocks again. In any case, I might upload some more of the pages, but I thought Cory's Mom would love to see these pictures. Isaak had a burning fever last night. I've been up since 4:30am with him. I got a couple of naps here and there, but I'm relieved that his fever has climbed down. You wonder what his little body is fighting off. We've all been sick for awhile. I'm beginning to wonder if we are missing some vitamins in our diet or if the virus's are on super attack mode. I guess we'll start taking more probiotics.


jaredandgina said…
wow! you guys are sick again! That is so weird!! I wonder why? Maybe you should try more vitamins, that is so odd! I am amazed that I didn't get sick when Cory, Jared and Kai were all sick, I always get sick. I give the credit to my eating a pomegranate everyday!!

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