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Why is it that........

Why is it that Isaak loves Tofu, but scoffs at applesauce. I've tried giving him applesauce many different times and each time he spits it out and yells yucky, but when I made tofu the other day he was eating it right out of the little plastic container and said, "yummy." Why is it that he hates chicken nuggets and refuses to eat them by turning his face away and saying--no, but will easily share my sushi with me! What's wrong with this boy! What have we done! In all regards I'm kidding because I love it--all except for the applesauce thing. We bottled a ton of it and he's not even the least bit interested.

And why is it that I can never keep his clothes organized I feel like he's constantly growing out of things and into things and I always have some random bag of clothes that I'm not sure where to put. He wears a 2t top, but only an 18 mo bottom. Phew. I thought I had it all sorted out then I noticed today that his pants are starting to get short.

And why is it that the blasted kitchen always seems dirty? I feel like we have some sort of kitchen monster messing it up. Why is it that all the socks loose their mate? Where are all those blasted socks going! Please socks come back--especially my wool one that cost $7!! Please come home!

Lastly why is it that I love being a Mom so much--oh yeah I know the answer to that---It's the beauty of cleaning up the same bag of goldfish twice in five minutes, it's the sly smile he gives me as he sneaks out of bed from taking a nap, its the crazy yelling in the backseat for me to notice the truck that we just passed, it's his animated face as he tells me about the dragon with the fire in his mouth with his broken english, it's definitely during naptime when I get to read and do whatever I want, it's when Isaak puts on a hockey helmet and his pushing his pink stroller around the house, it's all the little things that make it awesome.


DottieLou said…
oh my heck.. that kids eyes are the same color as yours, why have I never noticed that before... what a goof I am. Cant wait to tend him friday... MY house k :)
Tina said…
Why is it that your blog does not show up on my blogger reading list?!! I thought you were just MIA but NO there are new blogs I have not read!!!

Why is it that you have to live so far away from me?! I MISS you and I MISS that beautiful kid of yours and I even kinda miss Cory.

I loved this post. Hope you are all doing well!
Unknown said…
Great post! Love it. Love it. Love it.
Seems like Isaac has quite the mature pallet. Forget nuggies and applesauce. haha!

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