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I want to say YES!! I'm so tired of saying no!!! I want to say to Isaak--why yes of course you can play with the knives! Yes go ahead and pull that cat's tail! Oh sure run away from me when I call you and definitely explore the neighborhood by yourself! You want to play in the road--why not? Go for it little guy! Go ahead and throw those wood chips all over the playground and while you are at it why don't you go pick up some rocks in the garden and throw those around! Please throw all the shoes in a huge muddy puddle outside, especially the kids that are jumping on the trampoline. I'm sure their mom will be excited about wet, muddy shoes just like I am! And while we are at the store how about you load our cart up with fruit snacks that have pictures of lightening mcqueen on them and then top it off with cookies and chocolate. Maybe we can just start pulling stuff off the shelves and leave it on the floor!

Of course I want to say Yes. But I can't. Why? Well seriously should a two year old be playing with knives? Probably not unless they are plastic. Everything has a consequence and though it's tiring and difficult and challenging to constantly be carrying my little guy inside kicking and screaming because he won't listen--one day it will be worth it because he'll understand those consequences himself and hopefully he'll choose to make good choices. Right? Right? Though my efforts seems pointless some days because we end up inside sitting in time out--But sometimes he actually listens and it makes all the hard times worth it. I think.


Penny said…
Love this post. I felt this same way when I was at the store today and Izzy decided to throw herself on the floor and throw a fit bc I wouldn't buy every book she wanted! Thanks for the thoughts!
Heather said…
That's what I keep telling myself, "one day this will all be worth it and they will make right choices on their own." Sometimes I get glimpses of that one day with my older shildren. Your doing great!
Tina said…
Parenting sure is tough, eh? Im always wondering, "Am I doing this right?" I think life will be much easier as grandparents ;) we will still probably tell them no to knives, pulling cats tails, etc! That Isaak of yours sure does have a lot of energy and facination with the world around him! You are a fabulous mother and I am sure Isaak will be one amazing man when he grows up!!!
Unknown said…
hahaha. I'm SO glad Isaak has you guys to keep him in check ;)
You're doing a good job, mama!
DottieLou said…
This little one is much like his Mommy in her early years... be patient this to shall pass. You do a great job.. Love you
I feel like I am looking into my future when I read this post. haha You are a great mom just keep up what you are doing, and YES! It will all be worth it:)

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