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Better Relationships

Last week Cory and I had an awesome opportunity to attend some classes at BYU Education Week. Cory's parents were gracious enough to watch our little bug-a-boo. Aka fireball. I don't know how it's possible, but I swear that I fall more and more in love with him every single day. I can't even think about him going away to kindergarten right now, but we have time right? I'm getting side tracked.

We took two classes. We did some dance classes and you may be surprised to know that our best dance was the foxtrot. Our worst was the tango. It seemed to complicated and our timing was always off, but it was one of my favorite dances. I was excited for the Cha Cha, but in the end it ended up being my least favorite even underneath the two step dance we learned, which was actually pretty blasted fun. Cory felt most comfortable with that dance because he had learned it before.

The other class we took was called Building Better Relationships. The class was about strengthening relationships with everybody around you and especially focusing on relationships between spouses and children. The first night the teacher talked about being unselfish in relationships. He asked a good question that I liked when he said, "Who's comfort is more important yours or the people that you love?" I thought of all the many times that I've chosen myself over others or even didn't, but kind of resented that I did. I realized how import it is to always ask myself that question--simply asking--who's comfort is more important? Disclaimer--Our individual needs are also important and we need to make sure we are taking care of ourselves, but I tend to be selfish--ya know it's natural right?

He also made a cool comparison that I really liked. I served as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I was blessed enough to get to learn a language. He said that each person has a communication language and we should work just as hard to learn their language as missionaries do when they go to serve people in other countries. I'd never thought of communication like that before. The simple idea that trying to learn someones communication style and working together means that you grow closer and that you love them more. Wow. I think of all the times we have when Isaak is trying so hard to communicate something to us, but he's not sure how to say it, so he becomes frustrated and sometimes angry. Cory and I have both had to practice helping him to stay calm and try to communicate with us or show us what he's trying to say. Sometimes it ends up in cuddling and simply reading a story because we couldn't quite figure it out yet. I think that sometimes in our marriages that it's probably okay to let that happen too-not everything needs an immediate answer. So before I start writing a novel I think I'll let it go at that. I wanted to talk about a skill that we learned because I'm so excited about it, but I guess I'll save that for another time since I'm pretty much erupting like a volcano of ideas that I'm processing through. Awesome talk given by Marvin J Ashton about communication. Seriously read it for your scriptures study it's worth it.

Did I mention that we are potty training Isaak? We are and I think we are there. He woke up last night at 4am and told us that he had to pee a real big one. And he did then he went back to sleep. I'm so happy.


Unknown said…
Yay, glad Isaak is potty training so well!
That is so cool that you and Cory took those classes together. I WISH that Paul would take some dance classes with me - but let's just say that he's not as naturally rhythmically talented as Cory is. ;)
The marriage class sounds way good too. I like that advice to think of others' comfort ahead of our own. We all are guilty of being selfish at times and I know I need to remind myself of that too.
The communication style thing reminds me of an awesome book I read called, "The Five Love Languages". It's pretty popular, but has a ton of great information that I still think about when we are having issues.
Penny said…
That's awesome y'all got to go to Education Week. I love what you wrote about relationships, such great insight. Also, congrats on the potty training.
Read the talk you referenced. So awesome. I am totally going to study that more. Great advice! I was looking at the date it was given, it was while we were still in Heaven haha.

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