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Play time

I'm amazed that people keep asking to see pictures of Isaak. I'm shocked that nobody is begging to see pictures of me-hahaha. Babies are so cute. Every morning when we get up I am sure that Isaak looks bigger. I love it. Some people say they wish their kids could stay babies forever because they hate when they start getting manipulative, but I say bring it on-maybe working with manipulation is more in my comfort zone. I guess I won't know until I have another baby-I have no idea when that will be because the idea of being pregnant again is still very unappealing. But here are some pictures of Isaak during his playtime yesterday. I discovered that he likes when I speak Chinese to him. He will try to make noises back at me to match my noises-no wonder the chinese learn to speak so fast. Just a disclaimer I am not fluent in chinese I know random phrases, numbers and the alphabet, but all the same he likes them.


DottieLou said…
it is so nice to see a smile on his sweet face.... ahhhhhh... my knees are sore...
Unknown said…
Wow he has gotten so big since we last saw him. I can definitely see more of Cory in him now. He is so cute. I NEED to come down and see you. What is your schedule like next week?
Jenn said…
Wow, I think he really looks like Cory in these pictures!
Valarie said…
He is soooo cute. He wants to play with Aunt Val.

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