Isaak has some stomach problems which is why we may see his crying face a little more often then we'd like, but it's getting better and better. He's a little trooper. Cory tried the choo choo train one day and he loved it. It distracts him from his stomach and for some odd reason seems to help. I don't know-he's an enigma. The first part of the video he's completely distracted by the camera, but you'll get to see his cute choo-choo face. It's funny the things that amuse me as a parent.
Dear Isaak, Happy Birthday my little guy! It feels like just yesterday that you were literally pulled out to come into this world. Yes literally with forceps around your little head because you accidentally faced the wrong direction or maybe you faced the direction you wanted to. You didn’t seem like you were quite ready to come out because you were just wailing--almost like you were saying, “You know--I was perfectly comfortable in there.” I’ve learned this year that you surely know what you want and you will not stop until you get it. For example when we tried to spend the weekend away from home and you didn't like sleeping in your playpen! You woke up every 1/2 hour to let us know you weren't comfortable. You finally fell asleep around 3am when we put you on the bouncer. Cory slept with his arm around you on the floor so you didn't roll off. You weren’t going to come easy, eh?? I remember pushing and pushing and pushing and thinking this isn’t going how I thought that i...
yes, let's go for a walk this week. we would love it. we're pretty flexible (afternoons are better because of her a.m. naps)--let me know when's good for you.:)
we did take her to church for the first time today! she spent most of it in her moby wrap napping, but it was a little nerve-wrecking. I didn't notice people acting sick. we finally got the go-ahead from dr. mumford's nurse. yay, it's been exciting to be out and about!