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Modge Podge

I have so many thoughts rattling around in my brain. And I have so many fun pictures to post. I was trying to do a digital scrapbook page, but Adobe Photoshop would not work, so here I am after a long week of not writing anything-ooops.
I have had a hard time adjusting to motherhood. It thought it would be easy and I'd have this little baby that would be so much fun. Isaak is a blast, but my adjusting to motherhood wasn't easy. I first had to realize that the whole world didn't revolve around me. I don't mean to sound selfish, but I have been graduated for about five years and working. I quickly adapted to not being a student and liked to buy stuff. My favorite things to buy would include food(especially produce and well cooked food), clothes, vacations and food storage. How weird that I love to watch my piles of food in the storage room pile up. I also got to go wherever I wanted whenever I wanted. I know that some people will say, but it's the same you can do what you did before---but it's different---its not near as easy-especially since Isaak is not too fond of the car seat and has been known to cry for entire car rides. I also got used to the idea that it was more important to work outside the home-I got the idea that you could do more outside the home. Then this last week I've learned soooo much. I like the person that I'm starting to become. I am completely inadequate-a baby-I have no idea what I'm doing!!! I love being inadequate. I love learning something new everyday and I know it's surprising, but even doing housework is starting to grow on me.

I forgot that being a Mother is one of the most important jobs in the world. If you believe that you can make a difference by influencing one then of course being a mother helps you to make that huge difference!!! N. Eldon Tanner said, "A mother has far greater influence on her children than anyone else has, and she must realize that every word she speaks, every act, every response, her attitude, even her appearance and manner of dress, affect the lives of her children and the whole family. It is while the child is in the home that he gains from his mother the attitudes, hopes, and beliefs that will determine the kind of life he will live, and the contribution he will make to society." I share that quote because it is empowering to me-it means a ton of responsiblity, but wow-imagine how amazing that role is---its huge. So I want to say--Moms you are amazing. I know it can be tedious, but it really is an awesome time in my life. It's my new hardest thing.
Now for super fun pictures. Isaak really is adorable. He's getting more and more fun by the week. I love when he starts to recognize things and figure them out. We went to the zoo last Saturday............
Cory and Isaak growling at the tigers--well at least Cory is growling. Isaak was actually more interested in the people than the animals.
Sorry we have no pictures of the animals-apparently I thought we were much more interesting!


Unknown said…
Wow it is amazing how much Isaak has changed in such a short period! I love reading your blog about mommy stuff because I feel like I'm getting a little more prepared to be a mom one day when I get to hear about your experiences. Thanks! P.S. I am excited to hang out with you guys on Friday!
Penny said…
I love your post and the super cute pics. I saw your blog on Aislinn's. It is great to see what you have been up to!!
Heather said…
Hey, we were at the Zoo last week too!!
DottieLou said…
it is interesting to see your prespective change. Go Mommies
Even though I am not a mom yet, I already know I am going to go through the same struggles you do when I have a baby. It makes me feel better knowing I am not crazy for feeling this way. I am still very excited to have a baby though. Especially after seeing how cute Issac is. Those pictures are so fun.
Jenn said…
Wow! Isaak is looking so big! I love the closeup picture of him in the green hat.
mikele knutsen said…
Very cute pictures. Issack is very cute. Im glad that Im not only mom still learning to be a mom and Im going on number 2. It's fun being a mom. lol look sadie I posted a comment ya for me lol

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