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Wahoo!!!! Two Weekends Ago

I don't know if there is some kind of blog ethic that you are supposed to post things right after they happen, but I'm breaking the rules. We had the awesomest weekend two weekends ago and I've been meaning to record how much fun we have had, but I haven't gotten around to it or I should say that I've been cleaning and holding a baby-well I may have watched some tv-haha. It was a great weekend though-seriously. It started out with snowboarding!!!! YES-FINALLY!!!!! The long awaited day finally came. The snow was fresh and it got mushy during the day, but I stood undaunted. I prefer either powder or slush-I enjoy powder so much more, but if I have to choose between slush and ice-slush always wins-I'd rather have a wet butt than a sore butt. Cory and I left Isaak with my Mom-then we spent four lovely hours on the slopes. I finally got to wear my new coat which would explain the photoshoot I'm about to share with you.
I LOOOOOOOVE my new coat. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVEEEEEE!! It makes me pretty hard core!!!And look at the matching inners. The inner part of the coat can be worn as a trendy vest. The best thing about this coat is 1. The price 2. It's a Burton, so it has all the cool little gadgets and pockets that make it super easy to zip and unzip 3. It's waterproofing is incredible 4. I love brown and it is brown-I don't know if you noticed......


DottieLou said…
Dang you forgot the part about Cory's new friend from Alta... he he he ...
Jenn said…
Yea! I'm so happy for you that you finally got to go snowboarding! And your coat is really cute! It's totally Sadie.

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