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The Knutsen Family Circus

We were in church on Sunday and the first meeting was almost over. We only had ten minutes left and I had to pee so bad! I kept telling myself I could make it, but I after two more minutes I knew I wasn't going to make it. I snuck out and then I snuck back in. I was quick. As soon as I came in Isaak turned to me and yelled, "Mommy make a poopy!" Yep he yelled it! I said, "Does Isaak need to make a poopy? Is that what you are saying?" He yelled again, "Mommy go pooh." I was definitely blushing when he said it the second time and a few people around us were laughing. Silly boy!

Then tonight we went to the park and were trying to play Frisbee golf with Isaak which isn't very effective. He likes to randomly throw the Frisbee wherever, but we had fun. At one point he threw the Frisbee in the bush and kept saying over and over again, "oh crap, oh crap, oh crap." I don't say oh crap--I say oh shoot and Cory swears that he doesn't say oh crap, but it was pretty funny to see Isaak saying it while he was trying to fish out the Frisbee. He also didn't just say oh crap, but would make his voice all low and growly when he said it. His other recent words include singing--I have a dream from tangled. He will dance around and twirl singing I have a dream. He's only seem the movie a few times, but he knows that song. It's so funny.


DottieLou said…
I just might say that... but then again I might say the real word... that is funny. I almost wonder if we should make up a code word for poop. I heard a little lady at church yell quietly to her Mom she had to.....well you know.. funny stuff
jaredandgina said…
Oh man that is awesome and hilarious. I have been waiting for Kai to do that. She always says any time I go to the bathroom that I went stinky!! They need to watch tangled together. Kai loves it too, she only knows to sing the brush my hair part but they could do a little duet!
Unknown said…
Hahaha. I read the first paragraph to Paul out loud. So funny how kids are so candid and honest and can embarrass us that way.
Penny said…
Kids say the funniest things!! That is so funny!
Tina said…
ROFL!!!! I love this!! And I could completely picture it. The title is perfect for such an event.

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