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I am completely shocked with the recent choices I've been making. Now before you get worried I have to tell you that I never thought that I would even have a desire to do the things that I'm currently doing right now....are you curious????? I have started running! I know I'm just as shocked as you are. I've talked and talked about how much I hate running and I don't think that it's fun and how I think that I'd much rather dance. I went to a hip hop class the other night and it surely wasn't a hip hop class-it was terrible! We were doing all these leaps, turns, rolling around on the floor and an occassional shoulder shrug-I think the person teaching the class thought that because we shrugged our shoulders jazz turned into hip hop. I hated the class. So we went to my Mom's house the other night and she decided to run a half marathon. I said-no way. I'm not interested. Cory happily joined ship and said-I'd love to run. Well needless to say I started running with Cory-thank goodness we bought a jogging stroller because it makes it fun to bring Isaak along with us. He usually falls asleep, but it's still fun to watch him.

Another shocker is that I signed up for a cake decorating class. I did enter some cake decorating contests when I was in grade school-I even won first place once, so I get to rekindle that old hobby. I also want to learn to do a fondant. Has anyone heard of a yummy fondant?

Lastly I want to start sewing. Why you might ask? I have no idea, but I really want to learn. My first project was inspired by Nemiha and some people might say that it doesn't count as sewing, but as long as I'm using a needle-it counts for me!!!!

Any hobbies that you want to take up? Carpe Diem!


I totally know what you mean! right before I got pregnant I took up running again and ran most of my pregnancy. I LOVE winter running, go figure.:) I need to get a jogging stroller!
and when I was pregnant I had this ITCH to sew and be all crafty. it doesn't look that great, but at least I'm trying.:)
where do you go to the gym? I tried hip hop when we lived in provo...I don't think I'm coordinated enough.
cute blog! I loved seeing all your cute baby pictures! he is SO cute!:)
DottieLou said…
you are so funny... what is with the French words.
jaredandgina said…
Hey I started running too-- for about 2 weeks and I actually enjoyed it but my knees hurt so bad that I couldn't walk normal for a couple of weeks so I am just walking now. I also took a cake decorating class last year and loved it, I want to take another one so I can remember everything! I don't think any fondant is yummy. Do you ever watch cake shows, they are my favorite.
Unknown said…
Ahhh.... the nesting instincts that are emerging. Good for you! On your way to "Martha Stewart-ism"... except without the whole prison thing. Keep up the good work!

I have recently took up crocheting in the last couple of weeks and I had to stop myself from buying a sewing machine tonight at the fabric store. Something must be in the water. But I just recently gave up running seeing as how it irritated my disk, which makes me sad since I LOVE running. So run for me:) Carpe Diem
marsha said…
great you can do it. Have fun!
DottieLou said…
ok so I am not so smart... it is latin not french...
The Studes said…
I"m so excited you signed up for cake decorating! where did you sign up at?I would totally do that class with you. Plus fondant is not tasty.. lol

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