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Our summer adventures

I figure since it's September I need to get caught up on all the things we did in August. I can't believe the summer is already over--Hello Fall!! I love fall. First of all, I get sick of it being so blasted hot, second I love the smell of crisp mornings, and third it's the best time to play ultimate frisbee or roller hockey with out the roller. I used to play all the time before I met Cory. Ahhh the single days. I do miss being able to get enough people together to play--where can us marrieds go enjoy a game of ultimate, eh?????? We have had a busy month. I went to Portland-I think I'll keep that blog separate. We just got back from Lake Powell. We've been hiking several times. You are going to get pictured out. I've warned you.

So let's start with Lake Powell. Oh boy, oh boy. This was quite the week. It was awesome fun. I got to spend a lot of time with Teana, Gina and their lover boys along with meeting Gina and Jared's family. They were awesome. We spent an entire week on a houseboat. Isaak struggled to sleep through the night, which means we struggled to sleep through the night along with everyone else on the trip. Isaak has this high pitched scream on his cry that Cory calls the brain rattler--now just imagine that echoing off the canyon walls at night. haha.

The highlights of the week were boating, kayaking, swimming in oil--yeah!!!, I finally got up on a single ski. I felt like a super star. The food was awesome--I was never lonely--I got to read tons--I got to relax tons and it was fun to watch Isaak play with Kai. I also took my first lake bath in the dark--I have no idea why water scares me, but it was an awesome bath eventhough I was sure that the lockness monster was watching me and just waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The not highlights were the fact that our car broke down on Saturday night, which we later found out was the engine. My poor little subbie is broken. I lost my wedding ring. Isaak started teething. Cory lost his wedding ring. It was an awesome adventure. Next year we hope to go to Costa Rica---ahhhhh sandy beaches and pina coladas. Anybody want to come???Isaak and I getting ready to go swimming. It was super hot every day. We slept with a sheet. I didn't even keep it on me. I just kept my feet covered up because for some reason I can't sleep with absolutely no blankets. Our only family picture at Lake Powell. Yes Cory and I both look like we just got buckets of water dumped on our heads. The floaty was Jared's parents and Isaak loved, loved, loved it. I have to find one for him.Isaak and Cory steering the houseboat. Isaak thought that the steering wheel was about the coolest thing ever. This was the coolest walker I've ever seen in my life. It is made by bright stars and has an activity table in the middle and the walker walks around the table. The babies loooooved it. If you are looking for a jumperoo, an exersaucer or anything like it--this is what you should get--it rules.The cutest babies ever. They had so much fun playing together. They would see eachother and just smile and baby talk to eachother. I will have to post more pics in the next blog tomorrow--I'm a sleepy girl and too tired to upload all the photos and try to move them around. I used to be able to drag them, but recently that quit working--anyway...


Jenn said…
So, did you ever find your wedding rings, or are they both at the bottom of Lake Powell?? Congrats for getting up on a single ski - you ARE a super star! And Isaak looks so happy in that steering wheel picture - it looks like his smile couldn't possibly be any bigger!
Cory&SadieK said…
Yes both of our rings are together at the bottom of the lake. Gina pointed out that they must have wanted to be together. I like the idea. I lost mine on Tuesday and Cory sent his down to it's watery grave on Thursday. Isaak does have a huge smile--huge!!!
Unknown said…
Wow, sounds like you guys have had tons of fun last month. Hope you found your wedding rings!

Excited to see you guys on Saturday!
Unknown said…
Oh, I just saw that you said you lost your rings in the lake.... SO SAD :(
Heather said…
Looks like so much fun (except the wedding rings of course). Ooooh Costa Rica!! Maybe you can convince Chad how fun it would be and we could come to!!
DottieLou said…
he is so cute... love that smile
jaredandgina said…
Cute pictures Sadie! I am glad you guys had fun, we loved having you all there and finally getting to spend time together like the good ole days except now we have two little squirts that demand our attention!
We would love to go to costa rica keep us in on the details
aisy said…
so crappy about the rings and car! But the pics are adorable and Isaak's smile is one of a kind!

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