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The Best Day--YET!!!!!!

AHHHHHHH! That is not a scream ah, but a ahhhhhh-as in ahhhh that's awesome. I loved today. It was Isaak's best day of life-I think he really enjoyed it too. We started at 7am and he slept all night long. He didn't even wake up to grunt-awesome. Then I got ready for work (my nia class) and he was super-super happy. He just hung out smiling and looking at lights. I got all ready and was even ten minutes early to my Nia class. The class ended in a standing ovation and who doesn't love to get a standing ovation-if that wasn't enough to make an awesome day when I went to pick up Isaak, Cory was there waiting for me. He got half the day off. Yeah-awesome! So we hurried home and made a picnic lunch and went to the park. Isaak just sat on the blanket with us. We spent time together that didn't involve crying, bouncing, switching off, pacifying or anything of the sort-we just spent time together. I loved it. We were at the park for a couple of hours. I kept Isaak in the shade the whole time, but he looks a little pink to me. I think he got a little too much sun. I hope I'm wrong. He then had a small problem with his acid reflux tonight, but it passed after about 20 minutes. It was awesome. Now he's starting to fall asleep and I'm sighing with relief and great Happiness!!!! I had Cory take a picture of Isaak and I, so I could always remember this day. I love days that are completely simple, but incredibly satisfying.


DottieLou said…
I am so incredibly happy for you and for Issak to be feeling better
I know you have been waiting for a day like this since Issac was born. I am glad things are going better.
jaredandgina said…
Horray Sadie! I am so happy for you! I love the picture it is sooo beautiful! Cheers to many more best days yet!!
Heather said…
That is so great! Hopefully this is the beginning of many more simply happy days with Isaak.
Unknown said…
Sounds like an great day for both mommy and baby. That's cool that you had a standing ovation from your class.
Tina said…
I can't believe this was so long ago. And your hair is ironed straight in this picture... that looks so different to me. What a great picture!

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