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a normal week

Playing with toys on his personal ottoman.
Isn't he cute in those Pajammies? I got them in Portland.
Isaak gets really excited when he escapes to the outside.

I am about to wow you with how interesting I really I'm not. I'm simply going to talk about my week because I haven't had much more going on. I might even add some pictures of Isaak, but they will be at the top of the blog since I didn't upload them until after....

The highpoint of my week was going to a baby class. Isaak and I went to a baby story time. We got to play ring around the rosie, hokie pokie, and other fun games-it was awesome Isaak giggled and giggled. Then I got to watch Isaak watch the other kids and play on a mat with lots of toys. At this point of baby story time I started to feel a little anxious because I didn't know what baby toy etiquette was. Isaak likes to put pretty much everything in his mouth. I knew these were shared toys--should I let him put them in his mouth? So I tried to stop him, which is like trying to stop fruit flies on decaying fruit. I kept slyly trying to move the toys away from his mouth and gently wipe off his slobber without anyone noticing--then I started observing the other babies--they all had toys in their mouth. I sat back and let Isaak chomp away.

After a month of no car---------drumroll-----I have a car. Yeah!! I went to the store today because I could. I also have to clean out Mechanic smell tomorrow. It feels nice to have a car, but I'm actually grateful for the time that I didn't have a car. We learn a lot about ourselves when we are out of our comfort zones, eh?

We rented some movies from the library. I think the library is one of my favorite places in the world--Gracie is a great film=you should all go rent it from your local library then you'll have a week to watch it and it's free. ahhh--I love the library.


DottieLou said…
fun stuff... and what did you learn by not having a car .. other than you Love having a car
Unknown said…
I like that you posted stuff about your everyday life with Isaak. I like learning about what everyone else does during the day.
I would have totally been like you... all concerned about if my baby was doing something not acceptable at that class. That is great that you got to relax a bit and let him have fun!
Cory&SadieK said…
Sheesh. I learned so much about not having a car. I learned to ask for help more often. I got used to really being at home-a lot. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Now today I went walking and don't really even want to go anywhere though I need to buy some stuff at the store and get a present. I just don't feel like going--I'd rather stay home. I learned that I actually like to stay home. I also was retaught about how patient I need to be. I'm so impatient.
Heather said…
Isaak is growing so much. I wish we were closer and got to see him more. LOL.

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