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Swagging me Tongue

I'm announcing loudly and proudly that I have a new goal. I am going to quit gossiping--that's right. I'm going to stop swagging me tongue. I want to have control. I've never talked bad about somebody and said, "Wow that felt awesome. I wish I could talk more trash about people." I'm not including expressing frustrated emotions--those are still game, but I'm talking about slamming people and getting excited about it.... I'm done with it. If you catch me swagging my tongue--tell me, but you have to say--Sadie, seriously, are you swagging? Then it will save me from being utterly embarrassed and we can laugh about using the word swagging in a sentence.


The Studes said…
I am Sorry but this made me laugh, out of all the years I have known you "gossip" never crossed my mind for one of the owrds to describe you.

You are too cute and I miss you.
jaredandgina said…
I totally agree! In fact Jared and I just had a conversation about this two nights ago. I was telling him about how great a friend and I know that you would never trash talk me! Thanks for being so wonderful, you are awesome and a really great friend!
DottieLou said…
ok I am game no more swaggin
Cory&SadieK said…
Nemiha and Gina!! You are so nice. Thanks for saying that--it means a lot to me.
Heather said…
Sadie you make me laugh. You don't gossip. Sometimes I wish I could be more like you. You seem to always be trying to find the good in people.This is a wonderful goal and I am completly on board. No more swagging. What a nice world this would be if everyone took this attitude!
DottieLou said…
ps you need to make your font brighter .. had to see
aisy said…
I wish that I could get to the point where I would consider this a goal! ha ha. You are so good Sadie. And my goal is that we are going to get together within a month.
Tina said…
I've never heard you swag your tongue. I can't even imagine it. You always have good things to say about everything.

This is a great goal though that all women should have.

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